Win! 20 lbs Down This Year


New member
5'2 F age 27

Started this year at 138 lbs, and today I hit a new low of 118 lbs. I don't have progress pics at my heaviest, but attached are pics from August 2022 where I estimate I was probably about 130ish compared to today.

Biggest thing for me was adding some light exercise and limiting alcohol. At my best I was doing yoga everyday, but now I just do it 1-3 times a week. Limiting alcohol helped me in two ways. 1. Alcohol has a ton of calories. 2. I tend to eat everything after drinking, so avoiding the drink saved me from overeating.

For next year, I'd like to get back to daily yoga for my physical and mental health and find a hobby that can help me with muscle growth and maintenance.
@southbay1234 Way to go! I ballooned to 145 from drinking alot. I'm 235 days sober and lost 20 lbs. I'm 5'4 at 120 . Been going to the gym to get this last 10 lbs off. Let's go!
@southbay1234 Thank you so much. It's been a difficult road, but I'm looking and feeling better. My customers and coworkers have noticed my weight loss so that's nice. I look forward to sober holidays this year where I can be more present with family 🥲
@jpk7742 Sure! I usually just have 2 cups of coffee with creamer for breakfast. For lunch, I usually make a sandwich of some kind (Egg bacon, avocado toast w feta, BLT, etc). And then I have a big meal for dinner. I cook to last a couple days, so this week I made baked italian sausage with cajun boiled potatoes and a crockpot pot roast thing. Each night I make a salad to go with the meal.

I get takeout 1 maybe 2 times a week, and that can be anything, bbq, tacos, steak.

I try not to buy sweet things that are easy to munch on, but if I make it at home it's all fair game. So I don't buy cookies and candy, but I love baking homemade pies, cookies from scratch, cheese cake. I only feel like baking once a month, and then I always make double to freeze and enjoy later.

Water, lacroix, and zevias are what I drink daily. On a rare occasion I'll have some sweet tea or a coke.