CrossFit survey for a Master's thesis (w/ chance to win a Nike Metcon 5)

@jmvr82 Thanks a lot! Response rate was beyond what I would have ever imagined, so crazy. Almost 1800 atm, will be interesting to work with the data.

Let me copy+paste you the answers I gave to the previous respondents asking regarding "overall brand vs. individual box" and "brand vs. sport". Hope this helps to clarify it.

Overall brand vs. individual box:

"I was thinking of the issue regarding people being attached to their own box, but not the brand in general. However, I am not planning to distinguish this. In my opinion (will look further into literature regarding this), the individual boxes are a major part of the overall brand. Without the overall brand, the boxes would not exist in this way, and vice versa, which makes CrossFit a fully co-created brand (among other reasons)."

Brand vs. sport:

"The survey is about the brand experience in CrossFit. Mainly, it relates to the brand of CrossFit, which consists of many different interfaces, including the corporation, employees, all the affiliates, the members, and of course the training methodology, and many other things. But it is in no kind only a study regarding the training methodology and, for example, its effectiveness in building muscles and developing endurance.

And regarding your example of being loyal to CrossFit in the future: you can interpret it in both ways. As the sport itself is part of the brand and reflects one of many brand interfaces. Even if you are not a paying member of a CrossFit box, you can still, for example, be part of the brand community. If you do CrossFit(-inspired) workouts at home, you are probably consuming resources from the brand (e.g., website with the WOD's) and eventually contributing something yourself. Without being a member of a box, you could, for example, still develop strong attitudinal loyalty, which makes you, for example, recommend CrossFit's training methodology."
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@lach_nexx Completed! Good luck with your thesis. I would be interested in reading it when it’s finished. I thought the questions were interesting and made me consider a few things I hadn’t before e.g. if I feel equal to other members.

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