Workouts that don’t push limits

@jeremiah17 It sucks. I’m so sorry you have them too. I went through three neurologists before a new family doctor said, “exertion migraines” like it was a no-brainer. So I tested it out, and realized he was right!!
I had other triggers too, and traced the root cause to a sort of mental panic, nearly a clinical panic attack, almost like mentally I thought I was in fight or flight which triggered the migraine as a form of protection to make me stop. It got so bad if I bent over I’d get a migraine. I have done a lot of inner work with IFS therapy (I’m an IFS therapist as well) and it’s helped SO MUCH, but now I really want to keep it gentle because along the way, I realized that the whole idea of “pushing” is such a strange thing that we Americans do when working out and I’m just so done with unpleasant fitness.
I hope you get some relief!!! I know it’s awful!
@panozaa_allbet This is fascinating! I have chronic migraine and exercise is one of my triggers, but I’ve been able to determine that mine only happen when my heart rate gets past a certain level (for me it’s 160 bpm) so I set an alert on my Apple Watch if I’m doing so much as an aggressive walk to tell me to chill if I’m within 10 bpm and it’s been a game changer.

Thanks so much for making this post! I loved HIIT and I’ve been struggling to find my way without it. I’m going to check out a bunch of these resources.
@panozaa_allbet Highly recommend Range by Kara Duval. Online functional mobility classes of all lengths and levels that incorporate breath work. I love that her classes teach you how to train the movements you use every day, not just lifting or moving for the sake of doing it. And it’s all pretty low intensity but still works your muscles!
@panozaa_allbet Fit by Mik is amazing. I have similar issues — vestibular migraines and really bad vertigo. Working out was a trigger (among other things). It took me a while to regulate. I’ve been able to find just the right balance with her workouts. Wishing you all the best!
@panozaa_allbet For yoga, I highly recommend Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. She has a TON of videos and is always so calm and chill. Many people I’ve talked to IRL, at all fitness levels, have independently suggested her chanel to me when I mention doing a yoga video- not realizing I’m almost always talking about her. I also saw someone upthread mention Sohee and she is a wonderful follow!
@harmonius She’s pretty awesome. Have you heard of Yoga with Zelinda? She’s my former yoga teacher from back when I lived in central Texas but she’s got a great following on YouTube now too because she focuses on yoga for every body and is much more centered on yoga as a whole, not just the physical stuff. She’s such a good person, and her calm voice is INCREDIBLE!!
@panozaa_allbet I haven’t used it since covid so hopefully it hasn’t changed but Obe fitness has a really calm vibe! There are different types of classes like yoga, barre, Pilates, and weight lifting. I loved the Pilates classes - they’re traditional Pilates so very focused on stretching and core strength rather than trying to make it cardio.
@panozaa_allbet Check out Evlo Fitness - weight lifting with a side of (optional) light cardio, with a focus on gentle consistency and taking things at your own pace. Also run by PTs!
@panozaa_allbet I also get migraines when I work out. It actually helps a ton to stretch after I'm done. I have a routine I've worked out over the years; I used to think just the arms/shoulders/neck was necessary but it turns out everything is connected. Let me know if you want my routine, I can make a video.
@panozaa_allbet I’m almost 50 and realized a few years ago that intense workouts would trigger flares with my Hashimoto’s and/or migraines. Now I walk- a lot- and do more old school bodybuilding type workouts. Take it slow and easy. I enjoyed Lift with Sohee for a while and I really like the programs from Girls Gone Strong.