Worst WODs for a newbie

@spacecow I also agree with this answer and Filthy 50. It’s a lot of new movements for a newbie to learn, it’s a lot of moving around the box to get work done, and with both, it requires some idea of how to pace yourself / gaming, which a newbie won’t have.

Honorable mention for Angie. No one warned me about the butt burn. I went home right after, hopped in the shower, and jumped like I’d been electrocuted. I had no idea sit ups could do that much damage.
@wingsofthedawn Butt burn.

My wife (not a crossfitter) thinks I either have a gay bdsm lover or am doing the movement wrong.

It can be mitigated with trying to not hinge on the tailbone. But I think it’s probably impossible to avoid completely.
@wingsofthedawn Angie was one of my early "benchmark" workouts (2014). I thought, no sweat, I'm new(ish) to Crossfit but I can easily do all those movements, so I'm good to go! WRONG. Pretty sure I had mild rhabdo in my biceps/forearms as well as horrendous monkey butt from that one. I actually don't think I've done Angie since.
@mydonspace One of my old gyms used to have days where they just programmed strength. One day, the entire class was just practicing drop snatch. Probably the most pointless exercise in human existence for someone new to fitness and I was paired with a new guy. To this day I think it was the worst 1-hour of fitness programming I've ever experienced.
@mydonspace A good gym will have onboarding sessions with newbies before they’re thrown with the sharks. I disagree with gyms that allow people to test the waters without any CF experience and it’s a brutal workout.

I am very happy with my first gym which dedicated two weeks of drills on barbell movements and other stuff (like terminology and gymnastics) before having me join the main classes.

I pity the newbie that decides to “try it out” when a Hero WOD is being carried out. Clovis, Murph, and Kalsu would be brutal!
@jessicacat580 I joined a gym and they said since I have CrossFit experience I’m good to start, I did it like 15 years ago when I was in college lol. I’m basically brand new and I don’t remember shit. Some of the coaches definitely over estimated my abilities at first