Worst WODs for a newbie

@tomahawk777 Either way it’s an equally crappy hour for me:) We recently did Karen but you had to do 10 burpees if you did any kind of “rest.” Hated it. Do not recommend.
@mydonspace A beginner showed up on our owner's birthday recently. It was their first class. The WoD was:

3 rounds for time

3 Power Clean & Jerks (135/95)

17 box jumps

3 Power Clean & Jerks (135/95)

17 pull ups

3 Power Clean & Jerks (135/95)

17 V-ups

3 Power Clean & Jerks (135/95)

17 machine calories

Over 30 burpees cash out for the age of the birthday boy.

The beginner was like, "Um, is this normal?"" And we had to explain oh NO... This is not normal, this actually does suck more than usual. The coaches love to torture us extra on their birthday, it's like a tradition in my gym. 😂 We were all destroyed by the end of class and the beginner really did a good job scaling but also looked like a frightened deer about to bolt the whole time.
@mydonspace Anything that is programmed on a sunday at our gym. Sunday is the one they of the week our coaches program outside of the programming we buy. Sunday is always on the heavier/high skilled/longer side.

for example: 35 min buddy AMRAP of rope climbs, HSPU, pull ups, wall balls, burpees, toes 2 bar, en kettle bell swings.
@mydonspace My gym was doing the 2023 Games workouts when I joined. My first class was the Echo Thruster Final. We also did 10 rounds of squat clean and jerk before that WOD. I scaled the weights, but my quads still hurt for the next 4 days afterwards.

Calorie Assault Bike and Thrusters with ascending weights


30 Front rack Lunges at your final thruster weight
@mydonspace At our box our coach/owner is really good about scaling for fitness level. I’d say the time I see newbies struggle is when they come to their first class and it’s snatch day or cleans. You can see them getting overwhelmed even with good coaching and reassurance. But most of them keep coming back so that’s good
@mydonspace My(49m) notes from Day 1:


French Fried Potatoes

day 1, it was all a blur

20 Cal row X2

10# DB snatches - 38, 20

20 situps w/band x2

20 Cal row X2

I think...😳


I had never rowed, never snatched and was lifelong bad at situps. Perfect first day WOD.

Situps have never been enjoyable, nor something I could do very well either. My first visit included a couple rounds with situps after rowing and snatches.

The coach starts me with regular situps, moves to trying to get a rocking start, goes to the pad, ties a band around the rack, moves me back 3 times before the band is doing enough work for me to get more than 1 situp in a row.

I felt like the next step was just to have someone else do the situps for me.

The coach kept reassuring me that this was all ok, we're just trying to find where you are. I'm thinking I'm this puddle of goo over here on your floor.

I even goofed understanding the counts and rounds and made it to 38 snatches before he caught me and explained it like I was 5 that I only needed to do 20 per round. 🤦🏆

Week 2, did 50 situps with a pad and was convinced that CF works incredibly! I'm still old and not super athletic, and I miss it when I hurt too much or am sick, but I happily start over better than I showed up that first day.
@mydonspace We did Fran on the day I took a colleague to the box for the first time. He was pretty fit as a rugby player but the fast paced technical pullups and bpm raising thrusters killed him.