Worst WODs for a newbie

@mydonspace Almost 8 years ago I showed first day with heavy overhead squats programmed. Coming fresh from a college athletics background I thought CrossFit would be easy.

Man, was I humbled.
@mydonspace I think it was my 2nd week - after a manageable first week where I thought “oh this is hard but I’m scaling and hanging in there” - when Baseline made me almost puke 😂
@mydonspace Years ago i signed up it was in the middle of games. I had no idea. Did on boarding and then my first class was the games where it was a burpees/ thruster ladder going down from 21… i finished but I thought about quitting.
@mydonspace A gym I was training at for a while did a running clinic once/week in the summertime, where we tested our 5k run, did weeks of run/sprint drills, and retested.

A new member showed up for their first day on retest day, where all we did was run 5k. They never came back.
@mydonspace Anything that involves multiple rounds of burpees before/after a technical movement like a snatch. Technique is hard enough for someone new (like me) but throw burpees into the mix and technique goes "out the window".

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