

New member
At the moment, I go training twice a week. I’d like to go 3-4 times a week but I’m wrecked.

I get up at 6:15am for work at 7am till 3:30-4pm. I’m on my feet for most of the day. I work in a food company in R&D.

My appetite is a bit all over the place. I don’t eat a whole lot throughout the day but when I come home from work I eat everything that’s around me.

Just looking for guidance on how I can incorporate more training in my day. I definitely know my food intake needs to be more balanced throughout the day for sure
@kimberdavis90 Hey, at least you're going twice a week. That's better than everyone not going at all!

Personally, I find just going straight after work to be key. I get home, get changed, and get going. The trick is not to sit down as tempting as that is. When you get to the gym, don't put too much pressure on yourself to have a long, tough workout. Start with something simple and build on it as you get into the routine.

Best of luck!
@damj I agree with thedoc after work is the best way to go

I work as a carpenter and am physically active during the day. Near the end some days I’m pretty tired so on those off days which we all have I take a scoop of pre workout 30 mins to an hour before my workout. Mind over matter
@spud1241 5am class quite literally changed my life. Fitness aside, the enormous boost for my mental health has lead me to new heights. I spent 20+ years bartending and going to bed at 3 and 4am and thankfully I’ve put that industry behind me. It wasn’t easy to switch to being a morning worker-outer, but I’ll never look back.
@spud1241 Came here to say this! I do 5:30 am because I just do not have it in me to workout after work. I’m in education and work on my feet all day too. If there’s a 5, give it a shot!
@spud1241 Not sure if that’s a good idea. I’m usually spent after a class and definitely like the evening because after showering I can relax and game or watch a show before bed. I’ve tried morning sessions and it really made me miss my bed by noon 😂
@markatki But have you gone consistently enough to let your body settle into the routine? That may be a
Key that’s keeping you stuck is the consistency for a few weeks to see what happens.
@kimberdavis90 My diet is usually better on the days I workout because I don't want to feel like crap during a wod. You can start with just being more mindful of your diet on workout days, think of it as fuel for the workout (not as "oh I need to restrict myself").

If you like to add more workouts, how about the weekend?

Personally, I workout in the evening (I take the last class at 6:30 pm). Sometimes I'm working just until I need to go, other times I have a little downtime/chores at home or something. You just need to figure out what works for you, I couldn't workout before work but that works for some. Could you rest for a little after work and take the last workout? Then straight to shower and eat/sleep?

Also - quality sleep. Make sure you're getting it.
@kimberdavis90 You admit you don’t eat a lot during the day and you’re feeling drained for workouts. I’d start at my nutrition and see where I can improve. Are you really eating enough to fuel your body? If so is it quality foods? Are you prioritizing protein? Are you getting enough water? Beyond that I’d say add in some creatine to your day. 5mg every day. I know for me I can tell a big difference when I’ve been consistent with creatine and when I’ve not taken it. Other than that sometimes the only way to get used to more volume is to just do more volume. Your body will adjust.