Write-Up For My First Show!


New member
It’s been a long time coming, and I was nervous to even post, but I finally put together a write up for my first contest prep. For those who may be following my Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/the.j.johnson/) you may have already seen parts of this, but I finally put it all together.

I prepped for a total of 16 weeks, with one planned diet and training break built in for a bi-annual Canadian fishing trip. However, I will note that the only food consumed during this trip was eggs, rolled oats, potatoes, and fresh fish – so it is more likely that I under ate than overate during this break.
I coached myself through the process until Peak Week where I reached out to Jack Thorburn for dietary advice. I competed in the OCB Syracuse XVII in Syracuse, NY.

I placed 2nd in Debut and 3rd in Open – both in the Classic Physique division.

Stage Photos:
Starting stats were 185lbs and 12% bodyfat. Stage stats were 160lbs and 6% using the same bio-impedance scale for both measurements. I will say that leading up to my prep I had never truly gone through a “bulk,” “growth season,” etc. I was/am an ex collegiate soccer goalie and had always stayed fairly lean due to my sport. After my career was over I began lifting consistently and became a personal trainer. I filled my practice hours with hours spent in the gym 5-6 days a week. At around 6 months into training I was encouraged to compete, accepted, and began educating myself on the fly to the whole process.

Diet: Macros began at 2200cal (Very low I know, but remember I hadn’t been bulking up to this point) and throughout the cut dropped to 1800, where they stayed until Peak Week. After the adjustment to 1800cal my macros were 200P, 160C, 40F daily with no card cycling or alterations for rest days.

Cardio: 3.5% Incline 3.5-4 MPH for 20 minutes, with 1.5-2 mile jog -> sprint progression the morning after refeed days.

Training: 6 weeks of Layne Norton’s Ph3 Powerbuilding program in the attempt to maintain strength/muscle as long as possible. Eventually switched to a self-created PPLx2 program utilizing undulating periodization for the remainder.

Creatine 5g

Peak Week
In preparation for peak week I kept water at 1 gallons and began a Vitamin C load. I dropped carbs by 20g (I was already very depleted by this point), all other factors stayed the same until the day before. Example below:
Saturday - Sunday: Normal

Monday: 240P, 120C, 40F + 2000mg Vitamin C + 1.25 gallons water

Tuesday: 240P, 120C, 40F + 3000mg Vitamin C + 1.5 gallons water

Wednesday: 240P, 120C, 40F + 4000mg Vitamin C + 2 gallons water

Thursday: 240P, 500C, 40F + 5000mg Vitamin C + 2.25 gallons water

Friday: 240P, 500C, 40F + 6000mg Vitamin C + No water past 9PM

Saturday: Comp Day

I went in to the competition as a learning experience, and to prove to myself that I could lean out successfully. I feel like I accomplished these goals, and found a new passion for my lifting along the way. Judge’s feedback was very encouraging and motivated me to take my time and gain upper body size before returning to the stage. I learned along the way and continue to do so. I should note that I am nearing the end of a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, so the strengthening/training aspect came easy – and researching the other aspects was something I am accustomed to from my schooling. It was by no means a spotless or efficient prep, but I reached the finish line with a resolve to learn as much about the sport as I could going forward. For those interested I have been tracking my “lean-ish” reverse diet and subsequent bulk on my Instagram @the.j.johnson.

Long Term Goals:
Compete for a pro card in classic physique in the OCB, NGA, and NANBF to establish myself in the Natural Bodybuilding community. The only concrete plan so far is the 2019 NANBF Windy City in Chicago, Illinois where I will be competing with my brothers in the NattyTribe2019 – a collection of natural athletes across the U.S.

If you guys have any questions please feel free to ask.
@programofficial Well first, it helps fight off any sickness or illness at the point where my immune system is at its weakest. Also it in this circumstance served as a diuretic. Tbh I probably wont do it to such an extreme this next time around.
@programofficial Vitamin C from Whole oranges and even orange juice stimulates your thyroid. On a normal basis the stimulation wouldn't do much but when you are cutting specifically rigorously into a show this can make a big difference.

I have never read literature to know if supplementation creates the same effect. In theory it should but sometimes supplementation cannot mimic the whole food.
@commando95 Well done man! That's a solid debut. First prep is always shell-shocking in a way. It's a whole new world you step into and you learn so much so fast. I've heard all about #NattyTribe2019 through my boy Justin, that's awesome man. Enjoy your offseason!
@jesusloveselonmusk Trying to enjoy it. No one talks about the psychological issues you face after a competition season (ie. I'm not making progress im just getting fat, should I mini cut, am I doing this right, I want to compete again, etc etc.). But overall my body fat is back to where it was pre contest but I'm 10lbs heavier.
@dawn16 Unfortunately not, but it was pretty basic. One heavy barbell movement per muscle group in a pyramid style, with cable and machine accessories to round out.
@commando95 Looks great man, nice job.

I'm at about 15%, wanting to get down to 10-11% before clean bulking. Any chance I could shoot you my current routine / meal prep for a quick review? I'd love to have some more experienced eyeballs check it out, to make sure I'm on the right track. I've tried a couple of different coaches for the past few years and have learned a few things, but I always keep hitting road bumps. Any help you could give would be great.

Keep up the awesome work!
@smm Go right ahead, I'll get to it as soon as possible. I'm currently replying in between sets, then have a few clients. So late tonight or tomorrow.
@commando95 As another college soccer goalie, this was awesome to read. I’ve always had low muscle mass since soccer keeps you pretty smaller than most athletes from all the cardio but awesome work man! 6% is insane, I hope to dial it in soon to compete.