Zone 2 on Echo bike

@lovejustice I think it was Andy Galpin who spoke or wrote a book about HR monitors and gauging intensity, I think part of the understanding is as some have suggested is what other factors were in place that indicates towards zone 2:
- Being able to hold a conversation
- Controlled breathing (possibly nasal breathing only)
- Feeling like you can easily stick to the pace you have chosen for an extended time
- Your HR monitor I agree may be a bit off, I would say the zone 2 it suggests is a lower zone 2, it’s zone 3 is a higher one, generally an idea of are you trying to build aerobic fitness or just move to improve recovery from other workouts?

We lived without heart rate trackers for a long time, people found other ways to understand their training intensities so don’t take HR monitors as the be all and end all!
@jerusalemexp Yes I was thinking along the same lines of using the conversation and RPE metrics suggested by Peter Atia. The HR was just a backup for me as when I'm cycling alone (and not constatly talking to myself) its easy to get out of the Zone very quickly without realising. I wasn't too sure if I was on the right track until everyone on this thread posted. Thanks
@lovejustice I have found that many athletes struggle to actually perform effective Z2 on an Echo Bike. Fortunately, you have access to the best Z2 tool around: running.
@lovejustice If you truly want to get into a Zone 2 work on the Echo Bike, it would be worthwhile finding your lactate threshold, aka the metabolic point where your body switches from burning fat to glucose. Generally this is a 30 minute time trial on the bike where you pace yourself for max distance over 30 minutes, then take a H/R at 10 minutes and a final at 30 minutes and find the average of that. Of that average, you should stay around 85-90% of that to be in Zone 2.

More on science of it here:
@lovejustice Wrist based HR sensors are okay for running but pretty shit for any workout where the wrist is in flexion, rowing, biking etc. Lots of testing has been done by DC Rainmaker.

If you can, upgrade to a chest strap.