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  1. E

    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @slickvolt Dude that’s just cause I have weak baby wrists lmao; wrist straps or bust 💪🏽🤘🏽
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @themadness Buddy, I’m already pushing 3-4000 calories a day; I don’t know if I have the space for extra carbs 😂
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @confusedgirl98 I’ve been doing 4 on/3off, which has been working out for me up till now, but I might need to slap a recovery day right down the middle :/
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @5061756c Current asthmatic lol; no but I’ll look into it. My lungs work like donkey shit, but they’ve worked better ever since the universe blessed me by putting weightlifting/Track+Field in my life 😌 Still, I cut my session short today, went to work early, and immediately hooked myself up to...
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    Full disclosure, when I say I have a bad habit of pushing myself, I have tanked my ox sats on multiple occasions hitting the gym when I should have been hitting a nebulizer 😅
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @needheaven That honestly feels like it might be the base of my problems this week; I work 13-14 hour night shifts so usually my sleep is on a tight schedule, but I’ve been a bit lax about bedtimes lately :/ Can’t get muscles if you don’t get rest; I need to button that shit up 🤙🏽
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    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    @paladin007 iOS unfortunately :( but I do have the test pilot app if you ever try to port over
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @ktores Cant spell Legendary without Leg da y 😤 but yeah, it’s less about doms and more about I don’t want to push myself through a routine just to feel like shit the rest of the day and then feel like I’m playing catch up the rest of the week. Or hurt my wrist again. That shit sucked lol
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    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    @paladin007 I am 100% down to beta test that buddy; that sounds perfect 😊
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    I have a bad habit of trying to push myself when maybe I shouldn’t, and am trying to get better about skipping the gym when my bodies telling me I need an extra rest day, but it’s hard to separate that feeling from regular old laziness 😅 How do y’all tell the difference?
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    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    @floraspec I’m 195cm and have NEVER made it past 84kgs, regardless of how much my lifting pr’s improve; this years gonna be the year lmao. I’m determined to eat like a horse 😤
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    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    @floraspec I’d kill just to gain 5kg; I’m in lmao
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    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    @wild I’m willing to give it a shot, but my TDEE is a bit weird(meds and a moderately fucked up childhood) so if it doesnt let me plug it in it’s not gonna be accurate lol
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    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    Howdy y’all :) I’m not new to the gym by any means, but last time I attempted to bulk smart phones weren’t really a thing lol; I’d appreciate knowing what’s good past constantly carrying a little notebook on me. I’m already loving Strong for tracking my workouts, and figure I can wring some more...