What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?


New member
Howdy y’all :) I’m not new to the gym by any means, but last time I attempted to bulk smart phones weren’t really a thing lol; I’d appreciate knowing what’s good past constantly carrying a little notebook on me. I’m already loving Strong for tracking my workouts, and figure I can wring some more utility out of my phone now that I have one 😊
@wild I’m willing to give it a shot, but my TDEE is a bit weird(meds and a moderately fucked up childhood) so if it doesnt let me plug it in it’s not gonna be accurate lol
@ensea12 It adapts your specific intake and weight gain and weight loss. Every app I've ever used was always way off with suggested caloric intake. After a few weeks of input macrofactor has adapted to be spot on for me. It's an auto adaptive TDEE calculator within a tracker.

It was a little high at first for me but it changes your caloric goals each week based upon weight gain/loss. I think it would be good for some one with a unique blend of meds/metabolism/activity level vs a cookie cutter caloric recommendation based off of a BMR calculator.

Just need to have accurate inputs for best results. Input all of your foods with your best accuracy and weigh yourself same time each day or week... Recommend at wake up before any intake.

Good luck.
@ensea12 I was concerned at first, and it doesn't seem to track water weight changes well when you start a bulk/cut, but over time it'll get you in the range of your maintainance, as it adapts and calculates your TDEE based on input food and input weight
@ensea12 Microsoft Excel….I have a list of protein/carb/fat/fiber content of most common food items with me & I just enter my meals in a sheet I prepared as I eat them. Takes me hardly 1-2 mins after eating to enter them & at the end of the day I check up on how many calories/protein I consumed.