What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

@valula Yeah I'm struggling with pricing. The mapbox APIs have a cost, so I can't necessarily just let that rack up without a subscription. It also seems like once I get this polished it can be of similar scope/quality to apps that charge like Strong.

On the other hand releasing without any huge marketing budget is brutal and I can't seem to get anyone to subscribe without more of a reputation. Going free for a while could let me obtain good reviews and userbase, but then it's always dramatic to introduce pricing to something that was free.

Thanks for the thoughts
@paladin007 I would just do a backend for an account to backup and share data acros devices, people will pay it out of convenience and nobody can complain for getting a downcut version of the app

Thats also not a big problem and has no real running cost ( i indeed could help you with that)

The maker of fitnotes basically made a supporter app for super specific features nobody needs and many are buying it because they think that the free app is really good (which it is)
@dbirdez I'm just not a mobile phone guy. Don't use it for more than calls, and excel is a huge and powerful tool you can customize the way you want.
@ingridls It’s highly concerning when an application wants to take your money before demonstrating any type of functionality and capability.

What’s the recourse?

As customers and citizens, we should not condone this behavior. It’s scammy by nature.
@ensea12 JoyApp. Minimalist/simple UX, detailed nutrition info, lets you set different goals for everyday of the week. Perfect for bodybuilding IMHO. Cheap. Developer is quick to respond and helpful with updates. What MFP wishes it was. Barcode scanner as well. Hard to find on the App store but it's there, has web functionality as well
