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    Easy Muscle Reviews Anyone?

    @kimgrogg I bought it, it’s good. It does give more variety, but I don’t like how it structured in B and C. I prefer the structure of DFW, which would work with the workouts in Easy Strength as well. And the variety isn’t really in that regard. You can add whatever squats and pull-ups/dips. He...
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    On week 4 of training 3x a week...How long until I see results?

    @householder29 Body recomp is a slow burn where you truly don’t notice because you see yourself everyday. For me, I notice when I go to wear a shirt I haven’t worn in a while and he shoulders are suddenly too tight or one day when I’m getting ready and I’m on a different hole in the belt. Or...
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    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    @applekrate It’ll be a big shock, but it’ll spur some growth.
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    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    @applekrate Nice job man, good luck with those 8s!
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    Double clean workouts

    @robbie0376 The Russian Bear is the only one I’ve seen but I’ve never ran it.
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    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @marthaschramm You varied the weekly time? I’m currently planning on just doing 30/30/30/30 but it seems like 20/25/30/25 is popular.
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    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @marthaschramm I’m on my second week of Giant 3.0, planning on running through 1-2 after. Really fun program so far, the sets of 1 suck.
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    Finding double 20kg front squats difficult

    @brownie Rack carries would also be beneficial. Could it be a mobility issue? Do you have 2.5# plates you could put under your heel?
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @grace302015 FWIW, other single bell programs like KSK and LCOD he specifies that you do one arm and then immediately the other and that’s the set.
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    Geoff Neupert Strength Standards

    @haydnp Shoot me your email and I’ll forward it. He does sort of address it, I called it Strength standards but he calls it “strong enough to do heavy chores” to paraphrase.
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    KB FS vs. C&P Weights

    @hunter101 People seem to forget that DFW was written and marketed as a fat loss program. The squats aren’t there to get your legs swole, they’re there to jack your heart rate and turn it into a full body conditioning session.
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    Geoff Neupert Strength Standards

    @learnandbloom I forgot you were beta testing! Can’t wait to see those results. Yeah it’s a struggle to coordinate, but it would be cool. Mostly I just want people to commiserate with and push me lol.
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 The trick is giving them grand babies, then they will forgive you for the horrific sin of not eating the eleventh tamale with your third atole. Source: married a Hispanic
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    Geoff Neupert Strength Standards

    @learnandbloom How far are you from the 32s? I’m going to be starting with them late august. It would be fun to do a group run with them, the competition helps push.
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    Giant 3.0

    @hunter101 1.05 is Easy Muscle Schedule A Phase Two, but it’s pretty easy to figure out looking at 1.1 to 1.2 like you said.
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    @lbeebe48 That’s how Giant Beta X is built, ladders with different rep schemes weekly.
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    kB size

    @kla2 Here is my 36kg next to comp bells. They are definitely the closest in size
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    Giant 3.0

    @mightyrose Running 2.0 in between 1.0 and 1.1 really helps. But it’s also one of those weird things where you do the 8s and suddenly the 6s don’t seem that bad.
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @anojinzouningen I’ve been running Giant for about 1.5 years. First year I only did cardio on the off days, but I’ve started squatting on off days now. I will say, cardio had a pretty positive impact on Giant and squats have a neutral at best (negative if you include it displacing cardio)...
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    Giant 3.0

    @mightyrose Strong stuff homie! You planning on running Giant through 1.2?