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  1. F

    The answer was always kettlebells

    @loves2readya Okay let’s not get crazy.
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    Grease the groove with swings?

    @lostgirl17 Similar post from last week, maybe some of these answers will help?
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    Which KB do you suggest

    @sarahharpmusic 1
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    Kettlebells made out of . . . (?)

    @madbird Let’s get Elon to put some venture capital in. He’s throwing money around lately.
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @weaser999 🎶 Which is why I probably did poorly on the written part of my driver's test 🎶
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    Kettlebells made out of . . . (?)

    If iron has a density of 7.87g/cm3 (according to this website) then the volume of a 16kg kettlebell must be 2,033.04cm3, right? (Density x Volume = Mass) So let's say you want a kettlebell the size of a normal 16kg bell, but made out of something else. Here's what it would weigh! Brass . . ...
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    Ideal Kettle Bell weight that will be used for mainly cardio/circuit training

    @yesushidao Side note: I know you didn’t ask this, but I would avoid the upright row with a kettlebell. Also, some of those swing variations look unnecessarily complicated, like the swing with a jumping jack. Eric Leija is legit, but I’ve never heard of those other folks. Suffice to say...
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    What workout should I do tomorrow?

    @iamneveralone Soreness/lack of soreness is not a measure of a good workout Google Mark Wildman Tetris of training
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @loves2readya I think you missed this part ☝️
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 My lady is from Honduras, so it's the pupusas that are my downfall.
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 Married to a Latina. Can verfiy OP is correct.
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    Is my ROP program enough?

    @shatfield83 Get the 7yo swinging with you
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    Your Foolproof Guide to Training (Issue 1.2)

    @ngie Thank you, Rachel and Patrick, for posting all this stuff for us free of charge! Folks like you are the reason this sub is so awesome.
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    Nerd Math - the Mark of the Wildman (The 'Missing Playlist' for Mark Wildman's "Nerd Math" Kettlebell Programming)

    @fbgah Yep. Still not sure why. But I must admit, MW did slide down a notch or two in my book when he said this in his recent video on Armor Building Complex: I really hope Wildman was kidding. Every meathead should know who Dan John is. I mean c’mon.
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    Would you give me your thoughts on my (probably overly complicated) KB program?

    @kennedy Immediately saw Joe Daniels on the video and I said, "Okay, false alarm. OP is good."
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    Nerd Math - the Mark of the Wildman (The 'Missing Playlist' for Mark Wildman's "Nerd Math" Kettlebell Programming)

    @fbgah I anticipate this post getting linked to quite a lot going forward. Good work. p.s. Not sure why MW gets so much hate on this sub but even his detractors must admit that these videos are great for beginners, and definitely better than “going it alone.”
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @pinkpeony Deep Six