The answer was always kettlebells


New member
I’ve had a couple 30 lb bells and a 53 lb (true 24 kg) bell sitting in my garage forever. I have been boxing and lifting heavy for several years but haven’t lifted much lately because a lot of lame reasons. Shoulder has been acting up on account of too many days in a row at the heavy bag. But I need to move dammit.

I picked up a 30 lb bell and started pressing. Then swings. Then fly presses lying on the floor. It was just the right combination. Final tally for each arm (e/a):
  • 8 x 10 military presses e/a
  • 4 x 10 single arm swings e/a
  • 4 x 10 fly presses e/a
  • Push ups and 1 x 10 bent rows with the 53 lb bell
It’s not a lot but it was a workout I could settle into immediately with no risk of further aggravating the shoulder. Will gradually swap the 30 for 53 pounder as I get back into bell shape.
@weaser999 Agreed. Repaired torn labrum last year, and slowly transitioning from CrossFit focus training to kettlebell focus. In 2 weeks I’ve quickly realized the benefits of Kb and have somewhat become obsessed with watching/learning about the endless possibilities.
@steveobf If you like print to supplement video, I recommend Pavel Tsatsouline’s books. He’s got a couple really good ones that are to the point and technically precise.
@weaser999 Indeed. I’m still fighting my waist line as it’s easier to train than get my diet under control but even with the extra weight I’m in better shape than I can remember. I’m stronger, I move better, and have more endurance than at any time since maybe my late teens/early twenties. I don’t have to spend hundreds a year at a gym and the amount of work I’m able to do with a single kettlebell is astonishing. Kettlebells are the way.
@kazzalb Combine them with push ups and chin ups/pull ups (kettlebells struggle to fulfil horizontal pressing and vertical pulling movements imo) and you’re laughing.
@jim_68 this question needs to go die. like youre body recognizes resistance in the form of KB vs BB and refuses to grow when KB used. make good food choice, eat enough, sleep enough and keep adding load.
@kazzalb Its not. Muscle grows with increasing load, work completed & efficiency of movement. Consistency. Then of course the "little things". Eat better & move heavier loads. Stay off reddit

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