What workout should I do tomorrow?


New member
This morning I did:

A1. Get up 3/3 2/2 1/1 (12 kg)
A2. Snatch 6/6 8/8 10/10 (12 kg)
Rest 60s (alternating get ups and snatches, so 3L 3R get ups, 6L 6R snatches etc)
B. Clean-squat-push press (5/5) x 5 (10 kg)
C. Squat jump 10 x 3 (no weight)

I’m beginning to not be sore after my workouts. If im not sore tomorrow, what would be a good thing to follow today’s workout with? I haven’t articulated my goals really besides to do KB 2-3 times a week, so maybe I’m a bit aimless.

By the way thanks for everyone who responded to my form check the other day, what a kind and generous group.
@faithinmet I guess I wasn’t clear, I’m not trying to achieve soreness. It’s more that I didn’t exercise for a long time and for the past year or so, any kind of exercise made me sore for a day or two, and I would rest. Now that I’m not sore after every workout, I just want to do more but I don’t really have a plan.

A good workout makes me feel good and I’m getting stronger, that’s all I’m looking for.

I’ll look into that recommendation!
@asaydworthe Fuck Im taking this to a new level: pour brown rice in a tupperware, no lid, balance that on your head while locked in the bathroom with the shower (boiling hot) running.

Stay till the rice is fluffy and fully cooked.