
  1. S

    2019 CrossFit Games Season Recap

    Not every event was easy to watch, but I felt it would be a great thing for anyone who wanted to recap the season as we head into the 2020 Open Dubai CrossFit Championships Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Wodapalooza CrossFit Festival (Mostly Recaps) Friday Elite Saturday Elite Sunday Elite...
  2. B

    100KG Squat Snatch, 22 y/o. That Lift was my first set Goal when I started into Crossfit 2 1/2 Years ago. Glad I finally made it!
  3. G

    CrossFit culture…

    I’m new to CrossFit. I joined in August. I would like to know if the culture I am about to explain is universal. People are standoffish and only talk to you when you engage them. Especially the super fit people. It’s weird. I feel very unwelcome. As for the trainers, I still have to ask...
  4. J

    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 2: Corn Sack Sprint

    Event 1 is in the books! This next one is going to be a quick hitter, but expect it to hurt a ton. After a similar event a few years ago, athletes were absolutely torched! Don't forget to join us on the r/crossfit discord for chats, weekly workouts, and more! Workouts Leaderboard How to...
  5. S

    New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!

    Hey all, I (33M, 5'10, 170lbs) have taken up crossfit in the last few weeks, and the wods are absolutely killing me. I thought I was moderately fit, having played a lot of football (soccer) in my teens and early twenties, followed by general gym & kettlebell workouts into my thirties. Crossfit...
  6. V

    Team Series workouts - Video submissions that don't meet standards

    How strictly will CrossFit HQ judge and score Team Series (or really Open too) workouts that don't meet the movement standards? What will the penalty be for violations like these? Glancing through some of the video submissions, there are major issues with some of the submissions Guy in the...
  7. M

    Inov-8 Men's F-Lite 250 v No Bull

    does anyone own the Inov-8 Men's F-Lite 250 or the No Bull training shoes? would love to get some feedback on them. heard great things for both. looking to switch things up instead of the metcons
  8. L

    Breaking - Roman is injured (confirmed)

    Broken foot - source: John Young on Barbell Spin MCU story >
  9. D

    Joint health

    Curious what long time CrossFit participants do to protect their joints? I’ve been at it for over 10 years, am in my late 30s. Have been through several cycles where I get stronger/fitter and then injure something, have to rehab for a while, bounce back and then re-injure. In terms of...
  10. G

    GoRuck: Lessons learned the hard way

    Bought into the hype, trusted that they were the new CrossFit sponsor. Yeah. I know. Stupid of me. No answers from customer service to a question I had - got an automated zen desk response promising an answer, but they never did. If you filter their reviews, you’ll see this is a repeat issue...
  11. D

    Official Discussion: Quick and Thick / Double Grace

    THICK 'N QUICK Points Available: 100 Location: Tennis Stadium Sunday afternoon For time: 4 rope climbs 3 overhead squats (245 / 165 lb.) Time Cap: 4 minutes
  12. G

    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 2

    Torian Pro - West Coast Classic - Qualifiers for games - North America West - 9 men, 8 women, 7 teams Oceania - 4 men, 4 women, 3 teams Leaderboard - Oceania - North America West -...
  13. M

    24.1 and ego

    hey so I have been doing CrossFit for 9 months now. I absoulty love it and full on. I signed up for the open and this is my first. I’m 42male 6’4 and 239lbs. I thought I should be able to do 24.1 scaled in under 15 mins. I came out hot and when I got to the half way mark I felt like I got...
  14. C

    from shit to fit :) (x-post from r/loseit)

    my story: i started my weight loss journey 3 years ago. as soon as i graduated high school i decided to make a change, and get in shape and take control my life and decisions, and gain confidence. i owe it all to my ex girlfriend that cheated on me haha. i was crushed and gained so much weight...
  15. C

    Crossfitters w/ Whoop

    Do you like it? Where in the body do you wear it while cross training? Wrist? Elbow? Pros / cons?
  16. P

    Can we talk weight gain?

    I started CrossFit about a month ago. I got on the scale today and I’m up 7 pounds! For reference I’m a female in her 30’s I’m 5ft tall and now 135 pounds. My goal weight is 120. I haven’t changed my diet much since I started CF but I am trying to prioritize protein. I attend classes M W F and I...
  17. N

    Even though I was the lightest female there (53kg), I had the heaviest C&J (80kg) of all the ladies at my first Oly Meet!

    It's one thing to PR and nail a clean & jerk at your own gym where you have several tries & fails, but it's another to match close to that in a competition setting where your nerves are up and your adrenaline is pumping. This was my first olympic lifting style competition and I'm super happy...
  18. L

    Zone 2 on Echo bike

    Hello, I've only got access to an Echo bike and tried to get do a Zone 2 workout. See screenshot of HR monitor. Max HR is 183 bpm (Based on age and I've hit 173 bpm max before on a Crossfit WOD, so assume that's a decent estimate). It was done at a fairly consistent power output, and...
  19. G

    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 1

    Torian Pro - (Full live stream) West Coast Classic (back to Carson) - (Friday Kickoff Show) Qualifiers for games - North America West - 9 men, 8 women, 7 teams Oceania - 4 men, 4 women, 3 teams Leaderboard - Oceania -...
  20. A

    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    Aside from the programming, what program is there that people would define as ‘old school’ or ‘pure’ CrossFit programming? Our head coach has a powerlifting background and tends to program progressions for specific days (I.e. snatches on Tuesday, bench press Fridays) without...