
  1. C

    Recommendation for a jump rope, for beginners (not a speed rope please :P)

    Someone can recommend me please a good quality jump rope for beginners, not a speed rope, one learn double unders and boxing style jumping :X thought maybe something like that...
  2. E

    Top 20 Male Individual Games Athletes - Point System

    I got into an argument about who had a more impressive CrossFit resume so I put this together... a points system ranking of the best all-time Male Crossfit Games Athletes (hope to do the woman's side as well). We all know Mat and Rich are the 1 and 2. But who is the 8th? What about the top 20...
  3. L


    Hi all, I posted a couple of months ago about being new at CrossFit. I’m still training, I even did some bits of the open. Our gym has a thing for members to set goals for the year, and they help them being accountable, etc. I honestly don’t want to do it. Only thing I want as a goal is to keep...
  4. S

    Who are your favorite people - genuinely - in CrossFit?

    I started thinking about this over the weekend. When I need a little extra motivation to hit the gym, I do my rounds on YouTube to try to find some inspiration. I always end up looking for three people: Kristi Eramo O'Connell: I love her down-to-earth advice. Julian Marquez: He is hilarious...
  5. G

    A Message to CrossFit Athletes and Fans - Justin Bergh, General Manager of Sport

    Bergh knew that Castro will be fired in advance and earlier than he wanted to.
  6. E

    what’s everyone’s go-to (lame) joke at the gym?

    i usually turn up at 18:28 for an 18:30 class, the 17:30-18:30 is usually just finishing. i like to walk around and say how brutal the workout was and high five people who’ve just done the class. i don’t think i’m well liked
  7. B

    23.1 women’s barbells misloaded

  8. Y

    Anyone catch Sevan and Hiller talking about Olivia Kerstetter's weight?

    Sevan has a tell. When he's triggered by someone calling him out, he explodes into an f-bomb rage. That seems to be what happened here after someone in the chat called him out for facilitating a convo about Olivia's stature? Look, they called Nick Mathew fat like a day later so maybe it isn't a...
  9. A

    How do you build or improve a solid Anaerobic capacity for Crossfit

    I am planning on participating in a fitness competition simillar to hyrox or Spartan DekaFit. For this 1st 2-3 months I am planning to build back my Anaerobic capacity. My question is. How do I progress? So far my plans is something like this Month 1 500m rows x 4 1:1 rest 3 min rest...
  10. G

    Goal Setting?

    Hey y'all, I'm a relatively new female CFer here, been doing it for a year and some change. Currently I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and very frustrated. There are so many movements that I need to work on (snatch form, pull ups, rope climbs, DUs, TTB, etc) that I get overwhelmed with how to...
  11. O

    CF boxes on the west coast

    Hi everyone! Soon, i'll be heading to the US for a 1 month roadtrip on the west coast (Seattle - Portland - San Francisco - Las Vegas - San Diego - LA) . I regularly practice CrossFit (9 times per week) and I still want to train when I'm on holiday. I would love to visit CF boxes, but drop-ins...
  12. M


    This kind of sums up my thinking on removing everyone from the media department. They went from one extreme to another.
  13. B

    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    I've travelled quite a bit in the last few months and had the chance to train in perhaps 7? different boxes. I mostly do open gym (HWPO) but sometimes will join a class. Now, I understand that most people are no necessarily for performances and/or crazy improvements. However, I just feel like...
  14. Y

    Intensity/ Power to be calculated across a SET v/s the ENTIRE WOD

    Hello Hoping to get responses from the senior coaches here. Also, geeks in exercise science please chime in. (I'm in the latter camp. In CF, I just have a Level 1 certificate) I understand CrossFit's correlation of Intensity to Power output. That was smart and very objective. However the...
  15. J

    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 1: 2007 Reload

    We're off with event 1, and it's a classic based off an event from the 2007 CrossFit games. Heavier and more complex movements that the athletes will have to rip through! Big fan of this one, and I expect some fun Don't forget to join us on the r/crossfit discord for chats, weekly workouts, and...
  16. J

    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Sunday Discussion Thread

    The open is said and done and we're on to sanctional season. Sorry for the late thread, I spaced a bit Workouts Leaderboard Official Livestream Morning Chalkup Stream Friday Schedule Saturday Schedule Sunday Schedule Event 7: trek Run Event start at 12:00 UTC+1/06:00 ET* For time 4km...
  17. B

    I RX'd(Women's) 2014 Regional Event 4 and almost time capped

    Last week I made a post asking which 2014 regional events would you rather do? A lot of people talked about event 4 either being in their wheelhouse, or too difficult. Since it had the most traction, I decided to do it (women's weight of course). Here are my results - 19:39. I'm a 33 year old...
  18. B

    An open feedback letter to WZA, L&L, and NoBull

    To the event organizers of Wodapalooza 2022, Good morning. My name is Pepe, and I have attended Wodapalooza, in person, in some way or another for the past 6 years. We have always had a good showing from our gym, whether it was team, indy, volunteers, judges, spectators, WZA strong or the...
  19. A

    What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

    Hey, The next year or so I'm lucky enough to work very limited free'ing me up to do work on this sport. While I don't think i'll be a professional athlete anytime soon, I do want to get really really good with my aim being as best as possible. I'll have time to train twice a day. So far my...
  20. G

    L. Horvath - 2024 EWF Weightlifting European Championships

    She placed 6th in the 76 kg category. She underperformed compared to her national meets (she has a best total of 215 kg). 6 📷 HUN L. Horvath 205 kg