fitness after 30

  1. M

    37 y/o - protein supplements to help with gain

    Hi all, I’m looking for some supplements to help gain muscle. I’m 37 going on 38 soon and am struggling to get my gain back after over 5 years of not exercising (I guess I’m sort of skinny fat now - thanks to depression, a ligament tear and a fair bit of laziness). I’ve managed to cut my...
  2. J

    How to choose set of plates for home gym?

    I'm 50 years old, unfit, skinny and reading (and re-reading) "The Barbell Prescription". I'm looking into the possibility of setting up a simple home gym for weight lifting (a squat rack and bench, essentially). But I'm not sure what I should buy when it comes to the weights. I also have...
  3. S

    Pull Up Advice

    I (33M) am trying to improve on my pull ups for upper body strength with more repetitions. Approximately once a week (sometimes 1.5 weeks), I try to do sets of pull ups consisting of the following: 2x standard (8 reps each) 2x chin ups (8 reps each) 2x narrow grip (8 reps each) 2x mixed grip...
  4. V

    Review my diet and suggest improvements

    I’m dieting and training to lose weight and preserve muscle. Started the journey on Feb 27th and have lost 9 kgs so far - down from 97 to 88 kgs. It is going good and I am seeing results. What I would like is to share my diet plan and get your feedback. I am 5ft 6 inches tall. Average...
  5. A

    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    Hi! I (F, just turned 30) have been lifting for coming up 3ish years. I’d say about 2 years of that have been pretty seriously. I’m in the gym 6 days a week most weeks, I do a push pull legs/glutes split. I love lifting and being strong, it’s changed my life and my relationship with my body. I...
  6. M

    Looking for advice on progress or improvement

    Long time reader - first time poster in here. Looking for feedback / advice on how to proceed and make more progress, or just a chill pill to remember to trust the process. Context: ••147 lbs, 5’5, I have felt my best mid 130’s, but now just trying to feel good and focus on strength, and...
  7. G

    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    I've searched around and read the book... so I'm hoping to find some constructive criticism on what I'm thinking of going with... I'm planning on switching (currently doing GreySkull) to 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories, 3 days a week (MWF). I know the book calls for a 3-day program by stretching out...
  8. S

    No gains after months?

    Hi everyone. I'm 33 and in addition to practicing kendo, I've also been going to a gym for the past few years. I got into cross-training last year and I've been training twice a week. Today's menu was back squat PR. I failed a 55kg rep because my shoulders tipped forward at the bottom of the...
  9. S

    What would an ambitious but achievable team of trusted fitness advisors look like to someone wanting to transform their health and fitness?

    I'm someone who has always struggled with my weight and fitness. I consistently cycle up and down with my weight and now in my early 30s haven't been a happy or healthy weight for 6 to 10 years. I always was on the bigger size growing up but always imagined that I'd eventually get fit, but that...
  10. S

    Month 2 - Progress/Check-In Sticking to my goal to post a monthly update on progress...
  11. R

    Home workout that works out :D

    Hey, I've been working out for a month, but I daily question myself if this will ever bring results. I know time will tell, but I'd also like some directions. I also got in touch with 2 personal trainers, but they weren't really inspiring and motivating me (classic gym bros). I currently...
  12. S

    New Program, Shift in Focus

    I started the Reddit PPL 4 weeks ago after over a year of doing what the personal trainer gave me last summer. A few months before starting the PPL I started building up to the big compound lifts and once I could do all of them with the barbell I decided it was time. Here are some thoughts and...
  13. M

    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    I’m very fat, but, for 6 months, I have been working out very vigorously 4-5x/week with hard rowing and now lifting. Cardio of 30-45min per workout at 75-80% max heart rate for the whole workout. My resting heart rate is now consistently 58bpm. Recently, I’ve been checked out for the...
  14. C

    Suggestions please

    I'm fat, ca 100kg and 180cm. I guess bmi of 30 I goto gym 6d a week Day 1 and 4: bike 5km, deadlift 3 sets of 10 x 100, bench 3 sets of 12 x 60, and squat 3 sets of 10 x 80 Day 2 and 5: bike 5km, lunge 10 each leg, 40kg, Dumbell squats 3 sets of 10 with 20kg each hand, curl 3 setd of 10 x...
  15. H

    Do you do more/wider supersets (circuits) as you age? I do

    When I made this video (Strong After 60) I advocated supersets as a way of saving time and avoiding injury as we age. I am curious how widespread this practice is. I started out supersetting with just 2 exercises, i.e. push-pull. Over the last few years I've widened out to 4-5 exercises...
  16. T

    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    Hi y'all. 35 year old male, 5' 8" 163 pounds. I maxed out at about 190 about a year ago, and have been working my way down ever since. I've found a lot of success in just being consistent with a 30-45 minute work out every day and eating better overall (nothing unsustainable). My workouts tend...
  17. D

    Early morning gym goers, with family, how do you balance going to bed early with time for your partner?

    I'm married, with a 5 year old and wake up 5 am to go to the gym until about 6 ish, then head home shower and get my daughter ready at 6:45, and we both leave at around 7:10 for school drop off and work. I am an early bird, Iike my mornings and my morning workouts. My husband is a night...
  18. M

    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights Good thing 48 isn’t old and 255 isn’t heavy! I started lifting at 42, fat, weak, and with terrible cardio. My first day in the gym one of the regulars asked if I was coming back from an injury because he’d never seen someone so big lifting so little (I think I was...
  19. S

    A perfect gift

    Hello guys, I am a welder and a construction worker. I want to make my son happy by making him a custom wall mounted cable machine for his new room. Could you please give me exact dimensions of any cable machine ? P.S I have already searched around the internet and could not find anything...
  20. L

    Help getting in shape for a chunky monkey (37M, 6'2, 290 lbs)

    Hey there, Through a series of unfortunate injuries/accidents and poor choices during COVID lockdowns, I now have gluten intolerance, high uric acid and high sugar levels. I also went from a comfortable 200 lbs to 290. I managed to royally mess up my ankle and knee in September, and...