
  1. J

    Need help with a simple 4-week Fat Loss Diet to do in conjunction with the 10k Swing Challenge

    First and foremost, I know this isn’t a diet community, but there are people on here with a wealth of knowledge. Second, it should be noted that I will be living quasi-off grid during this 4-week period; limited access to refrigeration and cooking methods. With that said, what is a good macro...
  2. B

    Reconfigure or go double again?

    What’s good! So I’ve had double 18kg comps for about 6-7 months now. Been doing double work and, of course, single arm. I honestly enjoy 1KB workouts more (they do add more time to workouts though) but I do appreciate the load benefit and stimulus that doubles provide. I ran DFW and was grateful...
  3. F

    Give me some recommendations for 2 more movements!

    Here’s my current program: Day 1 A. Kb TGU 10min. (Goal of 10 reps each side) B. Kb snatch reverse ladder 10min (goal of 90 rep total) C. Need a recommendation! Day 2 Yoga 30 min Day 3 A. Kb TGU 10min. B. Kb 1H swings 10min C. Kb pull over sets x reps Day 4 A. Club inside circle B. Club...
  4. C

    Fun twist on the Armor Building Complex

    I’ve been doing Dan Johns Armor building complex for a while as my warm up / daily minimum workout but to break up the monotony I came up with a twist on it that I thought my be fun to share. Basically it’s the same idea of: 2 Cleans 1 Press 3 Squats & EMOM but the rep numbers shift over on the...
  5. S

    Is Kattlebell Swing a Resistance training or a Cardio?

    I want to try new cardio variation. But After I watched some videos. It make me confused. Is kattlebell swing really Cardio or not? If it is actually a cardio then. How much weight should I use as a beginner? I search it and find it is recommended to use 12 kilogrammes for male as a beginner...
  6. T

    Weight increase?

    I finished 10 weeks of Wildmans pu/swings/tgu and squats/c&p using heavy/ light. My light bell was 20lbs and my heavy 14kg. I just got an adjustable BoS and am waiting for the 2nd to arrive. I'm fine to nerdmath it out and start with 5-6 rounds. What would a good jump be for light and heavy...
  7. V

    Long-term program circulation/rest periods/KBOMG1

    Hello All, Wall of text incoming. I have been training consistently with kettlebells since April. Now I'm at the point where some helpful advise would be much appreciated. To summarize my journey so far, I spent 6 months going through a self-made program. Starting from simply getting a feel...
  8. B

    Double press (or single too for that matter), and the 'J shape'

    Mark Wildman and Dan John talk about the J shape that the KB's travel as they are pressed overhead from the rack position. Am I understanding this right: the KB's travel out slightly wider during the first part of the press? Is there a good video online that breaks this further?
  9. Q

    Looking for a cardio exercise like swimming the backstroke (x-post /r/bodyweightfitness)

    I had a chance this past week to spend some time swimming in a larger body of water than I normally have access too, and I discovered that swimming a backstroke feels like an excellent remedy for my typical hunched over desk posture - the long pull with the back muscles, and the reaching up and...
  10. M

    Fat and Out of Shape Firefighter Update

    Some of you might remember my post from January. We are about 6 months since I made the post and wanted to provide you all with an update. The Numbers: Weight: 240.7lbs -> 206.9lbs Body Fat: 39% -> 30.9% BMI: 33.9 -> 29.7 Visceral Fat: 20 -> 12 Diet: I’m going to try to keep this brief...
  11. Y

    Giant Interrupted

    66 y.o m in good health. I was an early adapter of kbs (active on early DD forum, IGx, attended Mike Mahler and Steve Cotter seminars), got out of it but walked, rowed, and did resistance band regularly. I got back to the bells this year. Completed DFW and the Wolf with 16's. I'll finish the...
  12. B

    Dan John's pressing Get Down video

    I'm just going to leave this right here...we'll all cry later and start using lighter bells...
  13. K

    Phil daru vs Everygotdamndre programs

    Sup y'all, Looking to buy a program to use for the next two months to do alongside regular BJJ training. Currently own: 30lb - 2 40lb - 1 50lb - 1 60lb - 1 65lb - 1 Any recommendations? Looking to only use body weight, resitance bands and kettlebells.
  14. C

    How do you keep your dick n balls secure?

    During swings, cleans, and snatches I feel like my junk slaps around a lot.
  15. A

    Can single and double press be progressed together, or better to focus on one at a time?

    I'm hoping to get some help with my programming. I can currently military press a single 28 x 5 strict reps, and strict military press 2 x 24s for 6 strict reps (I can do 9 strict clean and press with the 2 x 24s I guess because my shoulders get a micro rest during the clean portion?) My goal...
  16. F

    A+A vs vO2 snatch programs

    Hi all. I’ve just finished a cycle of RoP and I’m keen to run a snatch program. I am confused over which program is the best to run. What are the benefits of an A+A program (e.g. Q&D) versus a vO2 max program like Viking Warrior? My goals are general strength and fitness and I would like to...
  17. A

    Half-way point in Easy Strength... where to next?

    I'm nearing the 20 workout mark of the 40 suggested by Pavel/Dan John and I'm loving kettlebells for being able to strength train at home. Just finished reading Easy Strength and I like it, but I'm wondering if something a bit more intense would support endurance running (half marathon) and...
  18. S

    10'000 swing challenge begun!

    Thanks to a very good suggestion I received in this community a few weeks ago, I recently started Dan John’s 10’000 swing challenge (two-handed, 24 kg/ 52.9 pounds). tl/dr: It’s a great routine! Here’s Mr. John’s original article...
  19. H

    A+A Snatch Protocol/program recommendations

    Hi all. I am now moving into the second half of the 12 week Q&D program. I really love it. I previously planed to do the ROP program after that one but I decided that I firstly want to improve my snatches. I loved doing them when I was training 8 years ago in my prime. Now I want to beat my...
  20. W

    Sheet for Tracking Kettlebell Training

    Long story short, I'm pretty new to kettlebell training, but just started tracking my sessions over the past week. I created a rough sheet that newbs and anyone alike can copy and re-edit as your own to track your progress over time. Sheet here -...