
  1. K

    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    Sup y'all, I'm a Jiu Jitsu practitioner, alongside a kettlebell enthusiast. On top of that I squeeze these workouts into my day. With my career and WFH, I often rush into these workouts but would like to make the time at the end of the day to work on flexibility. In the morning, I wake up...
  2. S

    Anyone recommend a C&J program?

    Many thanks in advance.
  3. N

    Titan Fitness is doing a one day flash sale (4/9/21) of their 32kg adjustable kettlebell

    That’s all, it’s just a public service announcement. It’s price reduced down to $188
  4. G

    Programs to supplement S & S

    Looking for some advice. I'm a 28 y.o male in moderately good shape. I've been a big runner for 5+ years and typically run 25 miles a week, doing a 4, 6, 7, and 8 miler. In looking to build up my muscles I've started s and s after my runs, starting first with a 15lb kettlebell for the swings...
  5. L

    Grease the groove with swings?

    Hey all- I've been searching the web for something related, but can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Hoping to get some advice from those stronger and wiser than I am. I train bjj 6 days a week, about 1.5 hours every night. I've been trying to do Simple & Sinister in the morning, but have...
  6. D

    24kg or double 12s

    Hello fellow kettlebellers, I have been working with kettlebells since around January 1. I started with a single 16kg and then stepped up to a single 20kg. I’m 34M, 5’9” - starting weight around 205lbs and I’m down to 185. Running DFW and I’m getting ready to progress to a heavier weight. Do...
  7. R

    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    Sup y'all, I am 477lbs and was 546lbs last November and I'm training 4x week Legs, Chest/Tris, Rest, Back/Bis and OHP/Shoulders, rest, rest. I go very hard when I lift, my shirt is as wet as if I jumped in a lake. I also do fairly high heavy reps. 8-12(sometimes I do more) sets per body part...
  8. B

    zone 2 & zone 5 training with KB's (instead of a bike!)

    Over the past four weeks, I've committed to a rigorous kettlebell training regimen, expanding my collection to include pairs for double workouts. My focus has been on programs designed by Dan John and Geoff Neupert. During this period, my BikeErg, initially intended for Zone 2 training three or...
  9. J

    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    Got to 300 swings in a session much sooner than I thought I could :). Context: I'm 5' 8", 127lb, never did anything with weights before Feb 2022. My first form check was on March 17th, about two months ago. Started with S&S, realized I can barely do TGU with a 4kg dumb bell. But the swings...
  10. B

    Long term program

    I’ve been chopping and changing 5-8 week programs the last couple years from S&S to DFW to kB muscle. Seeking advice on anything more long term? I know S&S could be a really long stretch but unfortunately doing that many swings affects my pelvic floor. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
  11. A

    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    45.5lb x2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 5x 14 (70) 15 (75) 18 (90) 19 (95) 6x 12 (72) 13 (78) 14 (84) 15 (90) 4x 17 (68) 21 (84) 23 (92) 25 (100) I finished W4D3 today and managed to add 2 more sets to hit triple digits (it was almost an EMOM). I've been KBing for a little over 2 years...
  12. K

    Logical follow-up program to Geoff's 12-week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan

    Here's my background: Male, 32, no health issues I've done the following programs/ routines: Geoff's 12-weeks MBKMP with 18 kgs Dan John's 10K swing challenge doing half the reps with an 18kg , and the other half with a 28kg (don't ask why) Some overly complex stuff combining Joe Daniel's...
  13. U

    S&S audio book vs ETK e-book

    I've got access to buying S&S only as an audiobook through iTunes (I have a gift card). ETK is available as an e-book. I'm leaning towards getting both, but I haven't found much commentary or review of the S&S audiobook. Has anyone here listened to it who would like to comment?
  14. S

    Which KB do you suggest

    Hi, I have a16kg KB made from PVC which I find pretty big and my hands are also getting wet and slippery throughout the workout so I'm looking for a new KB. Which on of the below do you suggest (1or 2)...
  15. P

    16kg to 32kg TGU - 256 days

    Hey! So mini milestone today. After getting my first 16kg kettlebell in Jan having heard Pavel on Joe Rogan I decided completing Simple would be my 2020 goal. Won’t get it by end of year but damn close. I’ve been mostly sticking to the plan in the book, meaning increasing difficulty (an extra 2...
  16. W

    Roast my sport style technique please

    Looking for advice on my Long Cycle (sport style) technique. this is really only the fourth or fifth time I have tried it and I know I am still getting a lot of hard style bleeding in. This is after a hard full body work out of sandbags, ABCS, calisthenics, and mace work, and even then I feel...
  17. A

    Anyone did the 10,000 swing challenge after completing simple from s&s?

    I just completed sinister with the 32kg bell. Do you guys think it's a reasonable idea for me to do the 10,000 swing challenge with a 16 kg bell? I plan to stick with it throughout the challenge to avoid injuries. Has anyone done it?
  18. Y

    Beginner simple and sinister questions

    Hello! I’m a newbie to kettlebells and I have a few questions. I’m halfway through reading simple and sinister and I’m really keen to get stuck in. I have an 8kg kettlebell (I’m a woman). Im just wondering how I might work Simple and sinister around some other goals I have. I’d like to work...
  19. G

    Video:42 YR Old Tactical-Barbell Athlete Does Apex Hills with the Beast (x-post /r/tacticalbarbell)

    A little inspiration for those of us that are slightly older. 42 year old Tactical Barbell athlete (/r/tacticalbarbell) and college professor /@littlemisssunshine05-Madd does Apex Hills for 15 rounds with the Beast. Apex is typically done with a much shorter sprint and a steeper hill. J-Madd's...
  20. F

    Dry fighting weight c&p question

    I know it might sound like a dumb question to ask but… Do you guys re-clean the bells when you clean and press or just do 1 clean and press accdg to the ladder count? And what is the difference of re-cleaning and only cleaning once?