petite fitness

  1. C

    Protein Powder Q&A

    Hi all. Was hoping this amazing group could help: can you cook with protein powder? Example - pancakes. Can I throw a scoop of whey-based protein powder into the batter and proceed as normal? Will the cooking process render the protein obsolete? I don’t have a problem with lactose. And I...
  2. H

    Bad follow up dexa scan, where to go from here

    So I got a dexa scan today after 5 months, expecting to see at least a bit of muscle gain along with some fat. The results were almost 5lb of fat gain and slight muscle loss and going from 27.7% BF to 31% at 5’3 Here’s the report and a photo of me yesterday after a workout: I’m at a bit of a...
  3. C

    Feeling discouraged

    Hey everyone, so I guess I just need some encouragement right now. I’ve been trying to intuitively eat so as not to be obsessive over food (I have a binging problem) and working out for the past 6 weeks. From September-November I was eating out a lot and eating junk not really focusing on what I...
  4. L

    How do I eat more?

    I'm 5'4 125lbs, my maintenance macros seem to be 1650-1700 cals with 125g p An acquaintance of mine is shorter than me (like maybe 5') 120lbs and her CUTTING cals are 1800. How? I'm so jealous. She's been lifting for about 8 or 10 years while I've been lifting for 4. Is that the difference...
  5. E

    TDEE Confusion

    Hi all! So for starters I am F/31/5'0" and currently 140lbs. I have been at 140 for....months. I have lost about 80lbs over the course of 2 years, however as of recently the scale does not budge and I wonder if my TDEE and my defecit is possibly too low for my activity levels. I work at Amazon...
  6. O

    How much can you deadlift/what is your goal?

    Hey petites! I'm focusing more on my lifting journey but I'm not sure what I'm aiming for in terms of my deadlift goals. When I read people say they can deadlift 130 lbs for example, what does that mean if we're all doing different programs? I usually do 4 x 6 but should I be working towards a...
  7. P

    is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

    I feel and look so sickly at any size under 140lbs and most people do no believe me when i tell them my weight
  8. A

    Is it true that fast weight loss means it’s only water weight?

    I'm 30/F, 5'2". I've lost about 7.5 pounds in the last three weeks, down from 180lbs to 172.5lbs. What I've been doing to lose the weight is eating much less than usual (I don't count calories but I'd guess between 1000-1200 depending on the day?), limiting carbs, and adding 45-60 minutes of...
  9. I

    Two Jobs with Little Time (Extreme Fatigue After Gym)

    Hello everyone! I would love some advice on how I would go about timing my workouts. Combatting tiredness. For context: I work two jobs: I lifeguard (I get my 20,000 steps here) in the morning at a pool 5:30am - 9:00am and reception at night 12:30pm - 9pm. (not counting the 3-hour travel times...
  10. R

    Confused on Macros

    Hiya guys!! I’m starting my journey with tracking my macros. My goal is to lose about 30 pounds in the next year or so to be healthier and feel better about my body. I’m 22 years old, 5’2”, 165 lbs. I’m starting with trying to aim for 100 g of protein a day as a starting point. I’m using...
  11. C

    Any tips for better fat loss?

    Hi, this is my first post but I’ve learnt so much through this amazing group, so thank you all! I’m 42, 162cm (5ft3) and about 60kg (132 pounds). This is the heaviest I’ve ever been and I’m not happy here. My goal is body recomp, since after 9 years of terrible diets ending in disordered eating...
  12. M

    How many fats do I need in a day?

    For context I am 5’ 1/4 inch and 95 lbs and I eat about 1,500 cals per day. Typically, I eat 120 G protein, 170 G Carbs, and about 35-37 G Fat. I saw something the other day that women should never eat less than 40 grams of fat per day. Is this true? Am I really doing myself a disservice eating...
  13. T

    Setting my activity factor

    Hello everyone I’m trying to calculate my TDEE and I’m not sure what number to choose on the activity factor I’ll write down what do I do in my daily routine. I’m postpartum so I take care of my baby all day but I don’t do chores at all at home because I have someone that does it for me so...
  14. D

    I'm not fat, I just live in the u.s. (iykyk)

    Hello all, I'm still going to try to lose all this weight head on for the 4th attempt
  15. J

    Fitness after 2 c-sections

    I love this sub, I’m so glad to be able to see similar body types, and goals, and complaints! I’ve had two children (both c sections) and I’m finally committed to getting back into shape. But im already frustrated looking at the work I need to do. I started at 130 and would like to get back to...
  16. C

    What is the core equivalent of walking, i.e. a natural motion you can just do more of to use those muscles without “exercises”?

    Does such a thing exist? 🧐 Edit: thanks for the ideas everyone! I’ll try to avoid getting sick even though it seems like it helps lol
  17. I

    Meeting protein goals without dairy

    Hey y’all, I’m trying to hit a target of 130ish g of protein everyday which is hard enough as it is but I have a dairy intolerance which makes it feel even more impossible considering I’m aiming for only 1700 calories. Anyone else able to do it? If so literally HOW 😭 help your girl out
  18. L

    Where do I go from here? H:4'8", CW:129, GW:115 (for now)

    Hello! I'd love some help with figuring out where to go from here! I'm currently doing 20ish minute strength training workouts using the FitOn app 3 days a week and doing the Couch 2 5k plan (not as a beginner) 3 days a week. Sunday is my complete rest day. I've definitely seen progress doing...
  19. W

    high rise yoga pants recommendation?

    I bought these pants from Target one time - they were on the clearance rack - and they are AMAZING. Super soft, good pockets, and they don't roll down my waist while I'm working out. My current batch of workout pants keep sliding down and I am always hitching the waist band back up. Alas, they...
  20. R

    Weight lifting at home vs the gym?

    I work mostly from home, and I’ve been so busy the last few months that peeling away to drive to and from the gym almost seems like time I don’t have. Weight lifting has done so much for my body that other strength training just hasn’t, and I really don’t want to stop. I was thinking of getting...