question for the community

  1. K

    How does this routine look for just starting out?

    Hi! I am F 5’4 and 135lb I am currently going to the gym twice a week but looking to increase this to gain muscle mass particularly in my arms and back so I’ve come up with a new routine. I read through multiple articles and got some good advice I was just wondering if I could get some more if...
  2. C

    How is my routine looking

    Recently got this routine, is the volume and exercises sufficient for hypertrophy? Upper Day 1 A.) INCLINE BENCH PRESS 2-3 Top sets of 6-8 reps B.) TBAR ROW 2-3 Top sets of 10-12 reps C.) STANDING DB SHOULDER PRESS 2-3 Top sets of 10-12 reps D.) LAT PULLDOWN 12-15,10-12,8-10 E.) CABLE...
  3. T

    help i need a routine

    I'm trying to bulk up at 190 I'm 160 years old and 6'1 tall. I don't know what to eat or even have time to cook every day. i work at a meat plant from 3pm to 1am and then I am also a full-time student from 8am to 12 pm I have skinny forearms but strong arms because I pick boxes up and throw them...
  4. N

    I’m struggling to lose weight despite working out 2hrs a day

    I am 35, M, 6’3” and I currently weigh 245. My caloric intake is at 1800 a day on average. My main macro target has been protein and I get about 180g a day. I started to try and lose weight when I was 33 and weighed 400lbs so I have definitely come a long way. I did a Kettlebell routine after...
  5. J

    Thoughs on this PPL split

    Yo, So i have been goin to the gym for baout a year and a half or so, been doin pretty good and wanted to change things up. So I was thinking about this split, can u guys give me ur professional gym bro opinion? Day 1: Push Barbell Bench Press - 4 sets x 8-10 reps Incline Dumbbell Bench Press...
  6. L

    3 Day A Week Full Body Workout

    TLDR: Current workout is a lot, need lower volume alternative. Hi all! Busy dad, engineer, and now student here. I’ve been doing a 3 day a week full body workout plan that consists of 4-5 compound lifts and 2-3 isolation lifts (7-8 exercises 3-5 sets). It’s taking me 1.5-2 hours to get through...
  7. M

    3-day split full body program

    Found a good 3 day per week full body (it was suggested to be the best for me) program, and tweaked it a bit. Would love to hear your opinion on this! Anything i should change? (e.g. sets, reps, certain exercises...) Tuesday: Thursday...
  8. Q

    thoughts on my split and workouts?

    p/p/l 6 days a week. push hypertrophy 3x10-12 flat bench 3x12 db incline press 3x12-15 cable fly 4 sets of failure dips 3x12 skullcrusher 3x12 cable pulldown pull hypertrophy 3x10-12 deadlift superset with 3x10 wide grip pull up 3x12 bent over row 3x12 lat pulldown 4x10-12 db row 3x12...
  9. C

    Help w/ weight loss & toning routine

    Hello everyone. I am on a mission to tone up and lose weight. However, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the gym. I go there and do a few machines but I feel like I'm not doing things the right way or enough times. Would anyone please drop any routines for weight loss and toning? If...
  10. M

    Thoughts on my full body routine

    Hey guys, I'd really appreciate it, if some of you could give your thoughts on my training routine. Is it any good? Any improvements I can make? Am I doing something wrong? I'm doing a full body split where I work out 3x per week with proper rest in between. Here is the two workouts: Workout...
  11. M

    Need a 5 day full body + 1 day abs workout using only bodyweight, dumbbells and curl rod

    Need a 5 day full body + 1 day abs workout using only bodyweight, dumbbells and curl rod. Im looking to build muscle and this is the only equipment i have access to. Would greatly appreciate any and all help.
  12. D

    Hypertrophy Workout Planner Ideas

    Hello, I'm currently making a hypertrophy workout planner that looks like this and getting ideas on if I should add any other features, currently it has: - Exercise lists categorized by muscle group that can be accessed with dropdown boxes Muscle group -> Exercises for that group. - Track...
  13. L

    Groom workout goals/ need help with food

    My wedding is at the end of this year (12/31/23). I’d like to look good. I have a workout goal I want to work up to, that’s not the problem- food is the issue. Any links/recipes/help would be greatly appreciated. What menu should I follow that will compliment what I do in the gym? 6 foot, 220...
  14. T

    I created my upper / lower body routine. Is it good?

    Monday upper Bench press barbell W , 3 sets Chest fly machine 3 sets Seated row machine W , 3 sets Lat pulldown cable 2 sets, 1 F Shoulder press dumbbell 3 sets Bicep curl machine 3 sets Triceps rope push down 1 set, 2 F Tuesday Lower Squat Barbell W, 3 sets Deadlift barbell W...
  15. T

    Rate my workout routine

    ROUTINE DAY 1 - PUSH DAY (chest, shoulders and triceps) Workout A (Chest) - Dumbell Bench Press 3 x 8-12 FF - Inclined Dumbell Press 3 x 8-12 FF - Dumbbell Flys 3 x 8-12 FF - Crossovers 3 x 8-12 FF Workout B (Shoulders) - Millitary Press 3 x 8-12 FF - Lateral Raises 3 x 8-12 FF -...