question for the community

  1. L

    What to do if cable machine only has top and bottom attachments?

    I’m doing one of Nippard’s routines which has “Omni-Grip Face Pull”, i.e., face pulls where the pulley machine is set up at a different height for every set. My gym doesn’t have those with a mid-height attachment except an adjustable that doesn’t have enough weight any more. Anything I can do...
  2. R

    Is this routine good?

    Made this myself combining different things from yt videos\_cIlfpaz0/edit?usp=sharing
  3. D

    Is this a good workout routine

    recently i have started working out. I am really underweight and would like some help building that confidence: DAY 1: Bicep curls 3 x 12 Pull ups 3 x 5 Skull crushers 3 x 8 Push ups 3 x 8 side raises 2 x 8 Fly out 3 x 12 Chest press 3 x 8 Chin ups 3 x 5 DAY 2: Jump squats 4 x 12 Squats 3 x...
  4. W

    If I want to build muscle mass, which sets should I drop?

    I’ve been doing 4 x 20 Side Raises with 20LBs Dumbells 4 x 20 Front raises with 40LBs Curling Barbell 4 x 20 Rear Face pulls Should I drop these for 4x12 but bigger weight if I want to gain mass I was planning to add both 4x12 and 4x20 excercises
  5. V

    Is this workout routine good for muscle building?

    Any suggestions or things to change? For context I used to play soccer for 15 years competitively. Super lean (sub 10% body fat), defined and lean upper-body muscles, crazy calves, and strong legs. I am now trying to get bigger but not bulk. Since my legs are pretty strong, I only added one day...
  6. A

    Workout routine Critiques?

    Hi all, was wondering if some of you kind folks could give me some opinion on my current routine. I’m male, 24 and 89kg. I’m keeping it brief due to time constraints and avoid barbell squats due to birth defect Mon + Wed: Warmup- Boxing (5x2min sets, 30 second H.I.I.T interval, 30 second...
  7. M

    Day 1 - Gym Routine assistance

    Hot Girl Summer is around the corner, my coworker and I starting KETO today, we'll he is, not sure if I'll keep up with it or not, but I'd like to start getting back into the gym. Female, 33ys, 165lbs. My goal weight is to lose at least 20lbs or slim down and get rid of these damn Love Handles...
  8. J

    How’s my workout routine?

    So my stats are 195 ish centimetres and around 70 kgs, so im extremely lean and I have been my entire life. Doing this 3 day plan for around 3 months, but ive been seeing a solid amount of progress without my eating intake changing so much and have gained around 5 kg. (pull day) lat pulldowns...
  9. M

    Looking for advice on P/P/L/U/L Routine

    Looking for some advice, criticism, or approval on this routine. I was trying to put together one as I couldn’t find one that fit what I was looking for. Basically used to do a lot of bodyweight exercises at home, and now want to go to the gym for a change and also would like to build legs...
  10. D

    At-home Workout routine for getting ripped?

    20 y/o male, don't want to be like henry cavil just wants abs and upper body strength, and a well structured body. Have 3kg dumbells but that's the only equipment I have
  11. M

    Looking For Feedback

    Any advice for this Monday workout I created? I plan to do my weekly routine as: Monday: Upper, Tuesday: Lower, Wednesday: Cardio, Thursday: Upper, Friday: Lower, Saturday: Cardio, Sunday: Abs Monday: Upper Body Strength ≈ 2hr (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps) Warm-Up: 15 Minute Walk ✅ Seated...
  12. O

    Foods to help stay full and any other advice

    Hey y’all, what foods are healthy and can help you stay full? I’m cleaning up my diet and avoiding snacking. Also, if you have any other tips that’d be awesome. I know whatever I do I have to stay consistent so I’m trying to get food ideas I like.
  13. J

    27% to 5% BF in 4 months

    Now that I’ve got my car up and running again I can finally come back to the gym, but I need a new workout routine. I’m currently approximately 27% body fat and I’m trying to get down to less than 10% (ideally 5%) by the end of July of this year (~4 months). I don’t care how hard of workout...
  14. C

    Hi! Looking to alter my routine bulking to cutting

    Below is my routine taken from this guide Background: I've gained 12 kg (26.5 lbs) in the past 3 months, and since I had a 2 yr break from any gym activity before coming back (with previous on and off experience working out since 2018), I regained my working weights pretty quick, (35 kg to 60...
  15. K

    How does this routine look for just starting out?

    Hi! I am F 5’4 and 135lb I am currently going to the gym twice a week but looking to increase this to gain muscle mass particularly in my arms and back so I’ve come up with a new routine. I read through multiple articles and got some good advice I was just wondering if I could get some more if...
  16. C

    How is my routine looking

    Recently got this routine, is the volume and exercises sufficient for hypertrophy? Upper Day 1 A.) INCLINE BENCH PRESS 2-3 Top sets of 6-8 reps B.) TBAR ROW 2-3 Top sets of 10-12 reps C.) STANDING DB SHOULDER PRESS 2-3 Top sets of 10-12 reps D.) LAT PULLDOWN 12-15,10-12,8-10 E.) CABLE...
  17. T

    help i need a routine

    I'm trying to bulk up at 190 I'm 160 years old and 6'1 tall. I don't know what to eat or even have time to cook every day. i work at a meat plant from 3pm to 1am and then I am also a full-time student from 8am to 12 pm I have skinny forearms but strong arms because I pick boxes up and throw them...
  18. N

    I’m struggling to lose weight despite working out 2hrs a day

    I am 35, M, 6’3” and I currently weigh 245. My caloric intake is at 1800 a day on average. My main macro target has been protein and I get about 180g a day. I started to try and lose weight when I was 33 and weighed 400lbs so I have definitely come a long way. I did a Kettlebell routine after...
  19. J

    Thoughs on this PPL split

    Yo, So i have been goin to the gym for baout a year and a half or so, been doin pretty good and wanted to change things up. So I was thinking about this split, can u guys give me ur professional gym bro opinion? Day 1: Push Barbell Bench Press - 4 sets x 8-10 reps Incline Dumbbell Bench Press...
  20. L

    3 Day A Week Full Body Workout

    TLDR: Current workout is a lot, need lower volume alternative. Hi all! Busy dad, engineer, and now student here. I’ve been doing a 3 day a week full body workout plan that consists of 4-5 compound lifts and 2-3 isolation lifts (7-8 exercises 3-5 sets). It’s taking me 1.5-2 hours to get through...