vegan fitness

  1. A

    22/M, 5'10" and 120 lbs. Been trying to to gain lean muscle for 6 months and only put on 5 lbs. Am I doing something wrong?

    I've been a fairly skinny guy my whole life and a vegetarian for the last four years. I'm working on going vegan now, though yogurt is still a staple of my diet (open to good, fast substitutes for breakfast!). Right now I'm struggling to put on some lean muscle. Until about 6 months ago, I had...
  2. S

    Vegan alternative to Up 'n' Go?

    I'm currently vegetarian, trying to shift to vegan. I only occasionally have egg and cheese products at home but due to recently getting back into gym I've started buying Up 'n' Go for the convenience factor. Usually I use Almond & Cashew milk instead of dairy. Can anyone suggest a comparable...
  3. B

    [33M, Vegan 4 years] Slow and steady progress - figuring out balance for consistent gains

    Hey folks, I've started working on my fitness for about a month now to shed my post-2020 weight and replace it with muscle for stability and better health. I've gone from ~220lbs/24.5% body fat to 206/23.2% body fat as of today which is good, but I did reach a point where I started losing...
  4. H

    I need a little help :)

    Hi everyone, I'm a fellow vegan and need a little help. For my research as a university student, I research 'what makes young adults transition into a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.' For this I ask 5 minutes of your time to fill in this survey. Thank you very much in advance! Hope you have a nice...
  5. L

    Skyrocketing food prices and eating healthy

    I live in Canada in a smaller community and food prices are skyrocketing. It’s becoming very difficult to balance eating healthy, eating tasty food, and staying within a food budget. Sure, there are lentils and rice but I can’t eat only that. Fresh vegetables are astronomical right now. I’m...
  6. J

    Please give me your best EPIC workout tracks!

    Vegan 6+ years here getting back into health and fitness after a few lazy years and watching my cholesterol creep up got me freaked out. I've been loving actually doing proper workouts (instead of just running all the time - I used to do half marathons) and need all the dance, hip hop, rock...
  7. E

    My 2500 kcal $6 a day meal plan

    I eat around 2500 kcal a day and spend around $6 a day getting 135g protein, 55g fat, and meeting all of my micro nutrient needs. Thus, my macro ratio is 62% carb, 18% fat, and 20% protein. Here is my diet. Everything is weighed in it's raw form. 240g $0.58 Bananas 240g $1.43 Red lentils...
  8. S

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    Hi everyone, I know that a lot of people cite protein, cost, prep time, etc. as concerns when adopting a vegan or plant-based diet. Well, I have compiled an example day of eating that busts these myths. Meals like this will make plant-based eating a lot easier for many people, including athletes...
  9. F

    What is the best routine for no equipment?

    18, been vegan for 4 years. I do 6 days a week and do a 2 routine workout where I switch off everyday except Sunday. I’m 5’7 and weigh about 148 pounds and look muscular but also slim at the same time. I’m not as defined as I want to be and want more defined abs and a larger chest. I’ll list my...
  10. F

    Reminder: it's very hard to get adequate nutrition on a high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet

    This is inspired by a recent post from a person who is eating a mostly raw, high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet. It was deleted by the mods, but it got a good amount of attention. This is a subreddit for vegan fitness enthusiasts, and we should be basing our actions on the best available...
  11. A

    Need a home ab workout for beginners and advanced? I did one from athlean x for years

    I've been doing this from Athlean X Best Home Ab Workout. Been doing it for years. Both for beginners and advanced. I did it for 3 days a week. Covers every ab region. Have fun!
  12. J

    Is it possible to eat too much fruit? (Runner, lifter)

    Hi all. I’m a vegetarian (32 F, 5’7, about 125 lbs) moving to veganism, but my question remains: as an ultra runner getting between 25-40 mpw, hitting 120g protein per day… is there such a thing as eating too much fruit? I’m looking at Macrofactor and my carbs occasionally come from tortilla...
  13. F

    Adding b3, Vit E, Selenium and Zinc to diet

    Hi all, I recently got into the world of nutrition in preparation for being vegan when the gyms open and wow it's actually pretty cool! I whipped up a really good base of foods that gets me nearly all my vitamins/minerals for like 1050 cals + 88g of protein (like after really sitting down and...
  14. I

    Looking for advice?

    y’all, I am at a loss. I am a 24 y/o female, 5’7”, 155 lbs who is looking to gain muscle and lose fat but I am struggling big time and could use advice from personal experience. For details… I am pretty active. I go to the gym about 4 days a week for weight lifting, and I work a job where I am...
  15. N

    ISO: Tips to deal w/ hunger

    I've been struggling with keeping my diet clean mostly due to being hungry after a meal. I tend to follow recipes here and other vegan fitness sites. My issue is that I tend to resort to garbage snacks when I get hungry between meals as my office is full of them. I try to avoid them by...
  16. M

    newbie protein question

    So the protein RDA is 0.8g/kg. Is more protein needed for muscle building or are supplement companies trying to muddy the waters? Nutrition facts dot org don't recommend more than 0.8.
  17. S


    Has anyone here taken it? If so, did you notice any effect, positive or otherwise? Apparently there is some evidence that L-Carnitine can upregulate androgen receptors in muscle cells and aid in fat metabolism. On the other hand, there is some concern that it can convert into TMAO in the gut...
  18. C

    What’s your relationship with alcohol?

    I’ve been wondering about alcohol consumption in my life. What does a healthy consumption of alcohol look like? Is it complete abstinence or is it still considered normal and healthy to have a few drinks to celebrate life 2-3 times a year? always makes sure to remind me that...
  19. A

    Is lupine flour toxic?

    Hi everyone looking for lupins I saw that they are very protein and then I discovered lupine flour (They have 36 to 43 grams of protein depending on the product). But I have read that raw lupins are toxic. So is flour too? And if, for example, I use it for pan cakes, cooking in a pan is enough...
  20. A

    Are my macros right?! New vegan gaining weight instead of losing!

    Hi everyone! I’ve been vegan for around 2 months and also been trying to lose weight. My Personal Trainer (who was vegan for a while) set me some macros but I just seem to be gaining weight! I go to the gym 4/5 times a week and walk most days but I do have a desk job. Anyone think my macros...