
  1. A

    Looking for help 19 (M)

    19 (m), looking for some help in making some kind of workout routine as I am slightly embarrassed to admit, am completely clueless. I weigh just over 55kg, and have an obvious quite fast metabolism. I would say muslce mass wise I am lacking entirely, my tricep and bicep areas, arms, legs and...
  2. N

    Is this a good split for a intermediate/advanced lifter?

    1.Chest + back 2.Shoulders + arms 3.Legs + abs 4.Rest :) 5.Push 6.Pull 7.Legs + abs 8.Rest (:, Repeat 🔁 And cardio 2-3x a week
  3. T

    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    Context: Througout this whole year I’ve been getting 5-7 hours sleep when I really need 9-10 at my age (17). I workout to failure all the time and used to do it 5 days a week with a routine that worked pretty much the same muscles all the time (back bis tris) and then every second day I’d go for...
  4. C

    I love doing sports but I don’t like the gym

    I recently got into trying different sports the past months. As of now, I enjoy climbing & jiu jitsu and I go the climb gym 1-2x a week & bjj class 1x a week since June 2023. I don’t do any other strength training or if I do go to the gym, it’s very rare. I love doing sports but I feel like...
  5. A

    3-4 week cycle to improve S/B/D numbers?

    So I haven't been able to linear progress for the past 1-2 months. As the title suggests, I am trying to add some more methodical programming to my lifting and gain some strength, preferably a 3-4 week cycle (not a full routine, just a progressive overload method for my SBD). As it is now, im...
  6. F

    After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

    Long story short, I am 29 years old. I have been involved in sports all my life, from a young age until I was 21-22, when I dropped out after five years of American football and became a couch potato. Seriously, I didn’t even walk until I turned 27. At that point, I had a serious talk with...
  7. F

    Help needed

    Guys one question so i decided too bulk again cause i was doing a 30day 5mg lgd cycle just too See how it Works , i got nothing from it maybe bunk maybe the Effect is away Cause i hav lgd pills and i opened a year ago i heard cause of the air and all That it can be like a foul product i Hope its...
  8. W

    Is this a good split

    Im 13y 57kg 170cm and i have access to a bench barbell and dumbbell Is this a good split for ppl? M - push T - pull W - legs T - push F - pull S - legs S - rest/cardio These are my workouts: Push: bench press 12x5. Incline dB press 3x15. Lat raises to failure x 3. Arnold press 12x3. OH tricep...
  9. G

    Advice needed, did I hit my genetic ceiling?

    Background: I was very thin person until I started working out 5 years, I started focusing mainly on weight lifting 2 years ago and getting more serious in terms of exercise and diet. I am 28 y/o. 176 cm and currently sitting at 10-12% body fat, I cannot grow muscles even though I lift more than...
  10. S

    22 ( f ) morbidly obese starting to work out advice

    I’ve been big my whole life, I was diagnosed with pcos around 15. Since then my weight has increased massively despite me not over eating. I will admit that not exercising for years has definitely contributed to my weight gain as well. I’m just starting to get into working out again, I bought...
  11. D

    I created a workout for myself, I could use some inputs!

    I started gaining weight and got myself to 173, so I started looking into workouts and doing my research with what google can provide and I came up with my own workout. Since I stay home and I only have dumbbells and a bench this whole workout is based off that. I looked into circuits and...
  12. M

    What music do you listen to during your workouts?

    I use lofi music. Examples:
  13. B

    Review my Split Please

    Hello Guys Im doing a pull push legs split and wanted your thoughts on my current program. My goal is to pit on muscle while improving my athletisim and burn some fat the way Pull - [x] Trap BarDeadLift 3-4x6-8 - [x] One Arm Row 3-4x8-10 - [x] Chin Up 4xFaliture - [x] Biceps Curl 3-4x8-10 -...
  14. C


  15. L

    Is This A Good Workout For My Goals?

    I have made a new workout plan for my lower body goals : Thicker Thighs 27-36 inches, Bigger Butt, Fuller, Rounder Hips, and Toned Calves) I would like to know if this workout is good or if I need to modify anything (exercises, reps, sets). I will be planning to do this workout 3x a week (M...
  16. L

    As a teenager is this an effective routine to gain muscle?

    Skinny 16 Year Old Here. Here is my routine. My goal is 3 rounds for each routine, and once I can do that, I will up the weight. I am starting with 5 pounds. (I workout at my home, and own a dumbbell set from 5-30 pounds). Monday + Thursday: Upper Body Bent Over Dumbbell Flys x 12 Drag...
  17. I

    15 Best Weight Plate Exercises to Amplify Your Training

    Did you know that weight plates are used for more than just adding resistance when lifting weights? Here are the 15 best weight plate exercises for you.
  18. A

    Didn't get results even after 1 year of working out, what am I doing wrong?

    Hey folks, I really need some help from y'all. I'm 18M and used to go to the gym until 2 months ago when my membership ended and I couldnt renew it due to reasons. I went to the gym for about an year. Now, I did have some slight progress but I am still a similar looking skinny fat guy. There's...
  19. H

    how bad does this sound?

    Hey all im new to fitness little backstory first i was always fat highschool like 225lbs around 6ft, decided to make a dumb dessions and do a giant calori defficet (i know worst way to do it) and did a shit load of walking to losse my fat, by summer grade 12 i did it and was happy and have been...