💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?


New member
Sorry for the TMI. But I workout very regularly….6-7 days a week. And since switching my diet to vegan, I poop like 3-4 X a day. Can you relate??
@bornoptimist I’ve always pooped more than most people, but I went from 6-7 small poops a day to 2-3 giant single wipers per day when I became vegan. Went from shitting like a deer to crapping like a gorilla.
@marco28 Like, little rabbit poops though. 30 second shids.

Edit: To add, I was having a lot of dairy before I became vegan and I am pretty sure I am allergic/lactose intolerant and it was causing some sort of partial constipation because I literally always had to shit and it was barely any until once a week I'd have a big blow out.
@dawn16 There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber gives stool bulk by attracting water. Without sufficient hydration, soluble fiber can cause constipation. Insoluble fiber helps speed up the transit of food in the digestive tract and helps prevent constipation.
@dawn16 The fiber feeds your gut microbiome. A majority of your poop is dead bacteria. Having more means you have a flourishing microbiome which is a good thing when you're eating a high fiber diet. The book Fibre Fuelled is an excellent source of information about it.
I think fiber + WATER helps you poop. If you just eat lots of fiber with no water, I think that will cause constipation.
@dawn16 Although if you're constipated, have poor digestion or microbiome, eating more fiber will just make it worse. You need to resolve those first before ramping up the fiber.