1 month of arms, no rest days. Am I stupid?

@bobgunn You're not stupid, you're 18 lol. My workouts were completely jumbled nonsense at your age. It's completely normal to start with non optimal/imbalanced workouts like you have, don't let the internet fool you into thinking we all started with perfect programming. Honestly at 18 the biggest thing I'd recommend is just really building a good relationship with the habit of exercise and exploring healthy nutrition (you are slightly underweight, something to investigate). You will naturally refine your workouts as you gain more knowledge and develop a more rounded routine. Just the idea of push/pull/legs is a great starting point. For a bare bones initial calisthenics program you can start with Day 1 - 8 sets of push ups to failure, Day 2 - 8 sets of pull ups/chins to failure, Day 3 - 8 sets of squats (either bw or goblet since you have dbs) to failure. That alone will take you far and when you're ready for more challenge, you can always come back here.
@bobgunn In order for your muscles to grow, they require a full 24 hrs to replenish.
Your skipping rest days are guaranteed to limit your results and also increase your risk of injury. I’m assuming you’re going for size as well?
Always put a rest day in between. You could fill the second day with legs etc.
@bobgunn Courageous post indeed. A man of class! I’m speechless. You can do this if you only care about arms but your shoulders are going to get injured eventually. BUT if you don’t care about that just alternate between bicep and tricep days, and they will grow
@bobgunn You should be training your entire body lightly daily, and have two days per week were you train each body part HARD. The reason you should train lightly everyday is because that will build conditioning. Having an active job is the best way to achieve this.
@bobgunn Stupid (I’d use the R word but don’t want people to be offended)

You’re not even training triceps which are more important for overall arm growth

Dumb - just train normally
@bobgunn If that’s your only goal. Keep at it. As a fitness professional, you need to work the big 5 lifts. Squat, hinge, push, pull, loaded carry. I put together a workout for beginners who are training a the gym. Shoot me a message if you’re interested and I’ll send it your way. Keep staying active!
@bobgunn My opinion: Have your grown, gotten stronger or both?

If yes, you’re good…keep going.

If no, it’s obviously not working for you.

Different things work for different people. Correct volume and intensity cannot be defined for the masses and is very specific to an individual.

But I would keep an eye for early signs of over training, tendinitis, etc.

Certain workout routines, exercises, rep/rest ranges, etc are optimal for different goals but the most optimal thing is what motivates you to keep showing up to the gym when you’re tired after a long 8 hour shift.
@bobgunn Gonna leave you with a lil tip to think about. 2/3rds of your arms are your triceps. If you want bigger arms you want to be doing diamond pushups/tricep floor extensions.