1 month of arms, no rest days. Am I stupid?

@bobgunn Yes. 2-3 days rest is optimal while working out 2-3x a week. Since you've been doing no rest for a month, I'd go for a deload week of just full rest to fully recover.
@bobgunn Most of us need rest days due to schedules, varying degrees of energy, etc, but I personally think it is fine to skip them if you aren’t overloading specific muscle groups. In other words, try focusing on arms and back on day 1, chest on day 2, legs and shoulders on day 3, rinse and repeat. I find that I get the best results when I exercise major muscle groups twice a week on non consecutive days. Try this and you will likely see even better results.
@bobgunn Tbh I found I got faster results when I dropped to 4 workouts a week from 6 (PPL), I think it’s a common misconception that increased frequency gets faster results
@bobgunn Muscle is gained mainly through rest, so yes you’re missing out on gains. If you want big arms focus on your triceps more, and from the post it sounds like you’re skipping legs all together ? Legs do suck but you don’t want your upper body disproportionate to your legs, they also increase your testosterone probably more than any other muscle group in your body so it’s going to help your overall gains if you’re trying to optimize muscle growth and size. Also saw you’re eating 2200 calories, if you’re skinny and trying to bulk up/gain muscle you’re probably gonna want to eat more unless you’re trying to stay very lean but even then somebody like me who has a very fast metabolism I was struggling gaining muscle/size eating 3-4K calories a day. Everybody is different though.
@bobgunn Folks in this thread are saying a lot of smart stuff. Follow that advice and work on your whole body and take rest days.

I made the same stupid mistake. I'm 40 and for the last five years I've been doing pull ups in the morning to wake myself up a bit. I'm 5'9" and 190lbs so that is a ton of weight to be pulling up.

I had to quit because my left elbow was wrecked. I also golf so that messes it up even more. It has taken 9 months for me to get back to just doing dead hangs without a ton of pain. Even doing one pull up is impossible at this point.

You're young and skinny. I don't want to judge too much but if you start eating a full three meals a day you'll get bigger. I know this from experience.
@bobgunn Hey op! I went from 130 to 165 and this is what I would recommend to you. All depends on your goals really. Would highly recommend hitting other muscle groups and adding multiples sets to failure. Think bro split push pull legs (actually do legs though) you have amazing potential and a sure fire drive. Never be afraid to do your own research as well. Good luck! You got this 😎
@bobgunn Try yo learn more about the muscles are in your upper body. Without strong wrists and abs you can't use your strength easily. Believe it or not the abs are apparently activated during pullups even more than the driving muscles.

Also, your legs are extremely important. Even if you're not looking for big legs you can still make them strong.
@bobgunn That's probably the worst routine I've ever heard, and if you're doing it everyday I'm willing to bet your form/training intensity is terrible otherwise you just wouldn't be able to train the next day. Please find some proper training routines online and learn proper form and intensity, plenty of great tutorials out there.
@bobgunn If you went to complete failure with adequate sets, the next day you wouldn't be able to do the same volume until your muscles recovered an grew back stronger (usually 2-4 days depending on your recovery) So yes you're doing something wrong, or too little volume everyday so you can do it everyday.
@bobgunn I did full body training (one push, one pull, one leg and one core exercise) every single day for 100 days without taking a day off. It can be done. Just don’t do multiple sets of each exercise and don’t go all out to failure each time you train. You can have easy days and heavier days depending on how you feel.