1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

@diamonddolljeanette 1000 lb club is a hell of a lot easier than a 4:30 mile. I knew a few 800 runners in college that could easily pull out a 4:30 mile and I’ve seen hit over 225/315/405 (945+ total) in SBD. A decent amount of high level 400/800 runners could probably do this. However, almost no one except a competitive runner can hit a 4:30 mile. There’s probably 1,000x more people that have totaled 1,000 lbs than have run 4:30 miles.

I think the good old 500 lb deadlift, 5:00 mile is still the gold standard for hybrid performance.
@sami18 This. I ran cross country in high school and was able to get down to a 5:05 mile. Sure I wasn’t the fastest on the team, and was more trained for longer distances, but still. Getting down to a 4:30 is a hell of an achievement even if all you do is run. You’d have to be seriously talented to be able to just get to a 4:30, let alone being able to do it while holding enough muscle and doing enough training to also be in the 1000lb club.
@sami18 I’m a collegiate runner and a 4:30 mile is extremely hard, if you are there as a male you automatically get D1 XC/track exposure. I’m really getting annoyed that a lot of other crossfitters think they can do these things that people work really hard for cause “i do CrossFit and eat veggies”
@diamonddolljeanette This is basically like just saying 4:30 mile lmao. That mile time is very hard and that total is very barely above mid level strong.

If you flipped it, it would look like "1700 total and 9 minute mile challenge!"
@silentzhq I’d still say the 4:30 is harder for me. I know what it’s going to take to hit 1700, it would be miserable but I know the path there. I’m just not sure I could ever hit a 4:30 no matter how many track days I put in.
@diamonddolljeanette Idk a 4:30 mile is way more impressive than 1000lb club. I would not put the two of those on the same planet in regard to the percentile of athletes in their respective disciplines that can achieve. I think some of the stuff Ryan hall has shown ie sub 5 minute mile 500 lb deadlift is pretty incredible but as for 1000 pound club a decently trained high school athletes could check that box so I would think the stakes would have to be higher on the lift side to call it the hardest hybrid athlete test.
@patim22 My mile PB is 4:22 (from over a year ago when I used to run 800m track) and I'm maybe at 850-900lb total. I would say 4:30 is very far off an elite runner. Most elite runners are have to at least break 4:00
@lookingfordavid yeah - my hypothesis is most of these guys would be heavily roided up and enhanced, not possible with elite runners given extensive testing. Unless I'm wrong about that. But you can reframe the perspective and view it ths way 'what is the fastest possible time a human can run a mile whilst still being a part of the very exclusive 1000lb club?' and maybe you dont view it as so exclusive anymore but thats because 90% of the 17 yr olds who start fitness instagram start taking roids and lifting heavy. My two cents
@diamonddolljeanette That’s the problem - you keep referring to the 1000 lb club as exclusive. Everyone here is telling you it’s not. And you’re right, there is no documented history of PED abuse in track and field, or other aerobic competitions like cycling, swimming, etc…