1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

@patim22 I can get on board with that. From a running standpoint, a sub-4:30 is very good, something you should obviously be proud of. Just not elite in and of itself.
@diamonddolljeanette Yes I realize. It seems to me that if you train CrossFit and you are capable of doing these things separately, you should be able to do them in the same day. If you want the test to specifically be back to back you'd probably word it as "back to back." Same day can be spaced out a bit and I honestly don't see that as being a problem if you want to test it. A sub 4:30 mile is pretty elite so I doubt there are more than a handful of people in human history who are or were capable of this feat. No 1,000-lb total is nowhere near elite but it's still extremely strong for someone who is fast enough to run a 4:30 mile.

EDIT: When I say a 4:30 mile is "pretty elite" I guess I'm simply saying that it would take a lot of specialization and training focused solely on breaking that time barrier that it leaves very little to put towards anything else.
A sub 4:30 mile is pretty elite so I doubt there are more than a handful of people in human history who are or were capable of this feat.

I just checked my state's high school boys state track and field championships from last year and in just 1 of the classes (there are 4 classes), 20 high school boys ran faster than 4:30 in the 1600 meter run (1 mile = 1609 m). 4:30 is nowhere near elite. I do agree with you that it's harder to get a 4:30 mile than 1000 lb club, though.