1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

@diamonddolljeanette it's also super difficult to train for a 430 mile at a crossfit gym - you really need a track or a flat mile. I can "easily" do a 1 minute 400 that incorporates two inclines and declines, dodging traffic, and navigating 2 doors. haven't broken 6 min mile yet though cause I don't have that much gas in the tank - but at my gym maybe 2 other people can even hit the speed to do 430?

speed is a lot genetic, you either have it or you don't.
@faithfamilyfreedom There’s nothing genetic about a 4:30mi, you’re probably just too heavy. I have very similar times to yours, but I’m 205lbs, have a 145lbs kid in my box that ran a 45min 10k in…1 month of running 3x/wk? Weight is just too big of a deal in anything over 200m.
@oddrob you think the average crossfit population can run sub 110 400s? not at my gym. but would be interesting to find out. crossfit, or at least the programs I've seen, rarely focus on speed while running.
@diamonddolljeanette I’m in the 1000 club and ran 5:12 mile the other day (I think I could bring it down to sub 5 if I just made it hurt a little more). I also missed quarters (I can’t do double unders very well). Surely there are people who are much fitter than I am that could do this tomorrow. Both are pretty accomplishable numbers.
@diamonddolljeanette Powerlifitng totals are really only impressive when you take bodyweight into consideration… especially(IMO) if the total is 1100 pounds or less.

I am guessing a 4:30 miler would be a lighter athlete? Maybe 150-160 pounds? If that’s the case, the 1000# total is pretty good.

Interesting challenge either way… and not many people could do it.
@diamonddolljeanette Last time I tested I was at 975lbs total, I’m guessing I’d be over 1000lbs now. On the other hand my mile PB is 5:24 I couldn’t imagine running a 4:30 and I’m a long distance runner who does some strength training to supplement it!
@diamonddolljeanette I’m 5’8” 155lbs and despite not benching for years, could bench 225 in 4 months if I did some training.

I could spend the next 2 yrs focusing on my mile and be lucky to get under 5:15.

When I was 32 (now 41) I was 5’8”, 155lbs, had a total of 975 and ran a 5:45 mile. That extra 25 lbs would have been WAY easier than 1:15 off my mile, by a…country mile. At that time I was working out 10-12 times a week and had about 7% body fat. Sure, I’m of mediocre athletic ability but I was as fit as I could be, and the mile you ask for is simply unattainable except for those gifted with running ability.