1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

@diamonddolljeanette Possible? Definitely. Common? Extremely unlikely.

It's more possible than the 5:00 min mile / 500# squat, just because a "1000# club" is significantly easier than a 500# squat. So if you already have a guy that can run a 4:30/mi, training them to hit 1000# bench/squat/DL is pretty doable.

However, a sub 4:30 mile you're starting to get into national level runners, which is a very small pool of people. So the question of possiblity is different from commonality, because (in that already small pool of people) the # interested in hitting the 1000# club might be 0.
@diamonddolljeanette I’m not saying impossible. Very improbable if you are not taking enhancements.

I don’t think there is a professional CrossFit athlete who has a sub 5 minute mile.

My fastest mile was about 5:30 and I was MOVING-I had a 400+ DL the same day. About 190-193# at the time. I don’t think I could get below 5:30 without dropping weight, and I doubt I’d keep the strength if I dropped it.
@diamonddolljeanette eh i would say this is more of a focus thing. If you look at it compared to 500# squat and 5:00 mile that athlete can probably total 1200-1300. So it’s just a little less strength and better runner. Don’t get me wrong, INCREDIBLY impressive but I would argue we’re splitting hairs between the two feats.
@diamonddolljeanette While you say neither element is out of the reach of people, it’s the combining the two that is. That’s why it’s onto in the last 1-2 years you’ve seen anyone do EITHER a squat and a mile or a deadlift and a mile.
Unless you are already an exceptional hybrid athlete that is hit far off either target, I would say it’s a no.
@jadex Exactly. I feel like people are completely dismissive of how much bodyweight plays a role in extremely opposite ways for both feats.

Someone who’s built and trained for an easy 4:30 mile would have to put a considerable effort to hit 1000lbs

Likewise, a bit above average joe who only shows up in the box in heavy deadlift days may be non-chalant about a 1000lbs total while a 4:30mile would require a complete rehaul of his life.
@oddrob This ^ before CrossFit I did long distance running and swimming exclusively and 4:30 mile would have been fine. But I’ve put on almost 40lbs of bulk muscle since then and I feel it every time I do any running and it’s fucking hell.
Thanks for the discussion all, think i'm gonna tackle this challenge over the next few months. Any naming suggestions, ChatGPT churned out 'The Iron Mile' which is alright, but there must be something better