@daylejoy even tiebreak times... hm this has to be an error
EDIT: definitely an error, my dataset has both of you associated with the same profile (yours). /@jonjones229 might have miscopied something from a private message.
@fredindallas Or maybe those who are proficient at MU are more competitive and joined the spreadsheet, whereas those without MU asking questions aren't as competitive (either in Open or r/crossfit spreadsheet).
We have a few people at my gym that would absolutely crush these workouts, but they "don't compete." Then there's people like me that's barely proficient in barely most things and barely strong enough to consider Rx divisions who competes in nearly everything :/
@oldman1941 For whatever reason, my brain never comprehends the fact that I've placed lower on each individual workout(40th and 42th) than my overall ranking(37th). In both /r/rcrossfit open and my own gym's leader-board.
@sharon78 Consistency. Likely some of the people that placed a little better than you in one, but placed much worse than you in the other. Thus giving you more total points and final ranking.