CrossFit Open & Pregnancy

@janey84 I found out I was pregnant just before the open a few years ago. I definitely struggled to keep up and noticed changes pretty quickly which I expected bc it was my second pregnancy. Before my first, I really thought that I’d feel normal fitness wise until I was starting to show but that most certainly wasn’t the case. At the end of the last workout of the open, I shared with my gym friends that I was pregnant which definitely made it more special for me.
@janey84 I'm 19 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and did 24.1 with RX weight and modified the burpees to accommodate my belly bump. I did crossfit during the entirety of pregnancy #1 as well. Dumbbell snatches are one of the movements I'm really good at and 35lbs is very light for me, so keep that in mind. I finished in 11:35. I do get out of breath easily and this workout was challenging but I can't stress enough how important PACING is. I picked a pace for burpees that I could maintain with a struggle, but without having to stop. That's pretty much my plan for every workout. Plan and prepare to fatigue and get out of breath easily, and pick a pace that won't kill you. Some days you will show up and get crushed no matter what, and that's okay!!! Stay consistent and know that good days will come :) enjoy your pregnancy, and congratulations 🥰
@vickiegram Well done to you! That’s a great time. I tried stepping up into the burpees but I still felt so out of breath. I tried to pace myself but just got very tired quickly. In hindsight given my energy levels I probably should have sat it out but you never know until you try. I’m waiting to see the next workouts before I decide if I do them or not!
@janey84 I was pregnant during the Open in 2022. I had SO much fun doing it pregnant because there were no rules and I was just there for a good time. I had to modify everything because I was 28-30 weeks so I had a decent belly going and had started modifying most movements at that point. I think I only did the weights RX!

I actually did crossfit my entire pregnancy and honestly, I’d rather do my third trimester twice than my first once. I was constantly wrecked in my first trimester. Out of breath from doing nothing, anything that got my heart rate too high made me nauseous, I was beyond fatigued.. it was awful. I did a lot of low key EMOMs and strength work until 13/14 weeks when I started feeling semi-normal again. By 16 weeks I felt good to workout like normal.

All that to say, congrats and it’s normal to feel weird in your first trimester! Your body is doing a lot more work than it looks like, including making organs and a placenta from scratch!
@lynattechan Yes I’m definitely looking forward to that 2nd trimester glow-up 😅. I tend to carry big babies so by the 3rd trimester I always feel like a whale. But this is my first pregnancy as a Crossfitter so let’s see! X
@janey84 I’m 15w today. I wasn’t planning on doing 24.1 because I don’t want to slam my belly on the ground. I’m also incredibly nervous about this pregnancy so I’ve taken it very easy. I’ve been doing crossfit for 11 years and I love the open atmosphere. Last year I finished in the top 10%. I went to my gym with the intent to cheer and judge. I talked with my coach and she encouraged me to do it. I finished in 13:50. Not sure I will do the next workout but I will play it by ear. This one went well. I was able to go slow. I felt good…but definitely didn’t push. I will redo this one not pregnant some day!