1MP - 1 Million Push-Up Challenge (50k update)


New member
I’m back, and since turning 30 I’ve done 50,000+ push ups! My best day so far I did 600! I’ve been keeping track of everything in excel.

A few notes since last time: A lot of people pointed out that making room for rest & recovery is important. It is! So I’ve slightly modified my schedule so I can take weekends off.

I started doing 400 push-ups a day M-F, each week I add 10 to the daily total. This week I’ll be doing 490 each day. Once I get to 550 I might switch to every other day.

Also, important to note that this is just one element of my fitness routine. Currently, I’m working my way back through Body Beast, cardio 3x a week + rock climbing at least weekly. As many people pointed out last time, you shouldn’t just focus on one muscle group.

Overall though, I’d say it’s been going pretty well! I can consistently do sets of 40-50 throughout the day but I’d like to keep pushing my endurance to consistently hit sets of 60. I’ve banked nearly 3000 pushups (or just under 11 days) so I’m on track to hit 100k this year and know I can take breaks as necessary, it’s important to listen to your body!!

See y’all at 75k!
@kirsten1214 Not as much as I’d like haha. My chest, arms, and shoulders have gotten bigger and my shirts fit a bit tighter, but I can’t say that’s entirely as a result of the push-ups. I’ve had a few people comment which is nice but I guess it’s harder for me to see the difference day-by-day.
@fragilewingz Make sure you're taking progress pics then. It's hard to only see the appearance change by looking in the mirror, having something to compare to will be the best tell.

Also take Body measurements. Chest/Arms/etc.
@fragilewingz I started doing something similar at the beginning of last year. I set a goal of 1500 push ups per week. I have a job that easily allows me to do a set of push ups about every hour. I do 6-7 sets of 40-50 reps at work. Sometimes I add a couple sets before work during my jump rope cardio in the mornings.

I tracked it daily on a spreadsheet and ended up doing just shy of 94,000 push ups in 2022. In April, I added pull ups into the mix and about 10-12 sets of “something” with dumbbells and weight machine available to me at work. It wasn’t entirely planned out day to day, but lots of push-ups, combined with moderate weight training and an average of 100 mins a week of jump rope (PLUS my job where I average 12,000 steps a day), I noticed significant physique changes.

I admittedly got a little obsessive at times and ended overdoing daily reps. However, I don’t think I ever went more than three consecutive days without doing push ups and often did multiple weeks without skipping a day. I’m proud of the discipline I maintained throughout the year but I’m going to scale it back a little this year.
@fragilewingz For the love of everything holy, please do some back exercises or you’re going to rip your shoulders apart! Trust me, I did too much chest, and now I’m suffering in my mid age. Do lots of opposite exercises to your chest: your back and shoulders.

Edit: grammar
@dawn16 There’s simply no way this is healthy or useful. People in this sub are advertising all the ways they are wrecking themselves and a majority of comments are tips on how to wreck themselves better.
@jhouse Ugh I feel your pain! I wish I wasn’t a dumb ignorant young guy who did cheat chest chest because it looked good for the women. Torn my shoulders. Easier to prevent the problem than fix it, and it’s a hard fix! If I could only tell my younger me to chill in trying to get as big as possible and worry about looking good but feeling good and staying healthy for years to come. Alas if the young knew and the old could
@11thseptember1683 Glad somebody said it, and nicer than I would have. These folks need to get a job building houses. School teaches us basically nothing of nutrition, anatomy or physiology. Self education > willful ignorance
@steve777 Inverted rows, stretches, wall slides, anything to work the scapular.

I love push-ups but in this case I object because going for a million will overwork the front, risking lasting damage, whilst providing very little extra benefits the first 100k couldn’t provide.