2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing


New member

Male 35 170lbs 2.5years of progress. Weighted and bodyweight calisthenics with maybe 5 months of basic barbell compounds. Diet for last 8 years has been ovo-lacto vegetarian. I dont track calories but i think my protein intake is close to 1g/lb.

Third picture (skinny me) could get maybe 3 chinups and 10 bad pushups. Im almost 35, vegetarian, my training has consisted of probably 90% calisthenics and 10% barbell. I just got a trapbar for doing deadlifts rows and farmers at home now, so we'll see how that goes.

Edit: my training philosophy was train harder than last time (even long before I heard about coach greg), I focused on pushups and pullups and all the variations and ways to train those 2 movements for a loooong time when i started and still do. I got mentally tough from doing an absurd number of reps. I added in direct arm work in the last year or so after researching all the different stuff I could do on my rings and watching fitnessfaqs and calisthenicsmovement on youtube. Everyone says beginners shouldnt train to failure but I did, a lot. I did some basic compound barbell work for 5ish months at the local gym until they were shutdown from covid. I got up to 225bench for 5x5, 345trapbar deadlift for 5x5, and squatted 295 for 4x6 were my last training numbers in feburary of this year. I just got a trapbar and plates for my garage so ill be doing deadlifts once/twice a week in addition to all my calisthenics stuff so i dont neglect my ass and legs entirely. I was never a fan of pistol squats even though i did them begrudgingly.

Edit 2: most people seem way too concerned with how i trained, and no one cares about how I ate. Eating right and sleeping 7-9 hours is way more important than how many reps i did. For example i have eaten pizza MAYBE 3 times this whole year. I dont drink any alcohol either. My dad loves to offer me donuts at work and i always tell him no. Eat your fruits and vegetables people. Stop eating food with a laundry list of ingredients you cant pronounce. Do you want gainz or a 500 calorie treat for your mouth? Liquid is water, black coffee, and soymilk, thats it. 80 calories a day come from liquid, and i only know that because i just opened the fridge and looked. You cant get fat eating broccoli and spinach my dudes.

Edit 3: lots of people seem way too concerned about what my sets reps and rest breaks were, trying to get as nitty gritty as you can. How about i explain it this way. People in this thread said my chest was lacking. Thats fine, and probably a fair point, so on my day off today im playing some destiny this morning drinking coffee before i go take my dogs for a long walk. In between pvp matches or flying between planets im doing slow eccentric with a pause at the top and bottom diamond pushups, making sure my lats are flexed and scapula are depressed making my chest do all the work. Each rep is about 4 seconds. Every set was taken to complete collapsing on the ground body shaking grunting failure. The first set i did 28 reps which took about 1.5 minutes of time under tension, and now im somewhere around 15 sets in and im only able to do about 8-10 reps. Thats 15 hard as shit sets to failure. My chest is going to be in agony tomorrow, but should be ok to do dips on friday at the same tempo for lots more sets, then ive got saturday sunday and monday for my chest shoulders and triceps to recover from that huge volume. I hope this explains my work ethic better. Have you done 15+ sets to failure in a row?
@dawn16 are you eating properly? I trained for almost 8 months (3 years ago) and eating properly i could see results really fast. Then i quitted, and started all over again 1 year ago. My dieting was really bad and i couldn't see the results in the same timespan, so i had to change my diet and now 4 months later i see a BIG BIG improvement. Take note that OP is vegetarian.
@sowingbird This is absolutely false and people really need to stop propagating this myth.

Fruits and vegetables are equally as important as calories and protein intake.
@dawn16 I just cut out most sugars and flour-made dishes. I keep eating homemade pasta tho. I don't count my calories. I try to eat more vegetables and fiber so I feel full. All my life I ate a lot so is kinda a challenge
@jcksn228 Its all calories in, calories out. If you cant/wont stop eating as much as you do then move more, walk more, do more cardio. Increase your calorie expendature however you can. I was 220 at my heaviest and i eventually had enough of it, started skipping lunch entirely and did 45mins to 1hour of cardio 4 days a week. 9 months later i was 158lbs. It takes time and willpower.
@dawn16 If you’re skinny eat more. If you’re kinda chubby the additional fat tissue can hide a lot of your progress so eat in a deficit.
Gaining is not rocket science. Just eat according to your goals, sleep for 7-8 hours, drink enough (water, alcohol is legit poison) and use a Progression scheme for your training (you won’t progress if you do the same amount of reps/sets every time or increase weight)
@mily Have you tried 'GMB wrist prep' on YouTube? I have done this the past few months after a wrist injury and havent had problems ever since. It is a great warming up for your wrist, which is what you need in bodyweight fitness
@accelerator Hundreds of bodyweight chinups a week, 50-60 weighted chinups (last session was 5x5 with 75lbs added) per week, slow 8s eccentric pelican curls until i want to die, bodyweight tricep extensions on rings to failure for a lot of sets every week.

I train extremely hard.
@lamnhi Congrats on the progress! May I ask at what rate did you increase the intensity (volume/week) during the 2 years? And have you had any issues with tendons?
@dawn16 Tendons get built stronger by endless reps of bodyweight pushups and pullups performed properly. I personally have never had an issue with tendonitis in my upperbody. I had a small hip issue when I did barbell squats incorrectly with too much weight once, but i learned real quick what i did wrong with my form and lightened the weight and i was fine after taking a break for a bit from barbell squats.

Increasing intensity was just training harder than last time(coach greg knows), always going to failure and beyond failure ensuring i was getting enough work in. When doing bodyweight stuff, training to failure was essential for me every single time, after that was reading about different variations of movements and manipulating leverages to make those movements harder. Like progressing from normal pushups to PPPUs. There are endless ways to train pushups and pullups to make them ridiculously hard.
@seekfind I did a lot of supinated (chinups) starting out because i was way stronger in that position and i could get a lot more reps in thus allowing more work to get done. I started doing cluster sets like 3 wide 3 shoulder width 3 narrow all pronated once i got stronger.

I am still way stronger supinated because ive just done an absolute mind numbing amount of reps weighted and unweighted in that grip. I dont really do pronated pullups with extra weight, but i do 90% of my ring rows and now barbell rows and unweighted pullups with pronated grip.