[Transformation/Progress] roughly a year of the RR, Calisthenics and weighted Calisthenics

@sisterbecky216 To make pushups better, both archers and one arms, you can keep the elbow very close to the body, this will also allow you to go chest to floor and reduce the risk of shoulder impingement.

How much do you incorporate handstand pushups and straight bar dips into your routine? Do you practice slow false grip muscle ups?
@thomaslowrens Oh yes! I remember now, I didn't pay any attention to it, but keeping the elbow closer really does make them cleaner, thanks!

I occasionally will do Handstand Push Ups for my Push set (early on, either first or second exercise).

False grip just rubs me the wrong way, it feels like cheating to me, same with kipping. I respect people who practice it of course, but it is not something I am personally interested in. I do however practice slow clean muscle Ups bad example, but I don't have a cleaner one uploaded, might upload later and will add it here in that case.

Thanks for the tips again! Will try it today.
@sisterbecky216 REALLY good progress, congrats! What advice do you have for front lever? I'm currently on a plateau but can do a solid 10 sec of advanced tuck and a maybe 5 sec one legged..
@daviadson Switch it up and don't let your muscles get used to the progressions is what I do, I did Ice Cream makers, holding the FL part as long as possible (half a second or so) and tuck FL mostly.

I can also advice to do cycling FL as soon as you can do the one legged for a bit longer.

Credit to Marcus Bondi on these tricks, pulled them from his Instagram: Squeeze the bar really tight and turn the hands outwards so you create a "strength circuit" with the bar.
@sisterbecky216 Very nice man! Question about your diet. When you say "Oatmeal, peanuts and chicken 90%," what are your macros like on a typical non-cheat day? I'm curious as to how much oatmeal you're eating and how that's working for you.