2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

@karinjeanne Nope, Irish and Costa Rican parents, though probably some ancestors in Spain. My mom is from Costa Rica and I believe her grandparents or great grandparents came from Europe/Spain.
@button Hey, Great progress, very impressive. I’m sure you’ve already replied to a similar comment somewhere, but I noticed in your beginning pic you have a bit of a lower abdominal belly. I have that as well and I’ve just started getting back into the gym to fix that among other things. Any recommendations for flattening the belly into abs? Was it mostly diet related?

Thanks I’m advance if you reply, again very impressive stuff.
@j_g94 You've probably heard this before, but I'll reiterate jt... Inputs vs outputs. Working out consistently gives you a boost in how much energy you're spending/outputting. If you diet along with that and can stay consistent you'll slowly widdle away at your body fat.

On the other hand if you start eating more when you start working out, fat may not change, but your muscles underneath may get bigger, and show through more, but again if you're spending the same amount you input, why would your body use stored energy.

I highly suggest tracking calories if you have never tried it. MyFitnessPal is the app I used, I think I got a free subscription and it lets you scan barcodes and look up whatever you're eating in their big data base of food. Yes it's not going to be perfect, but will give you a rough estimate of what you're actually putting in yourself.
@j_g94 I honestly slacked on my cardio a lot. I would do 5 minutes of an elliptical as a warm up at the office before covid. I'd also walk a mile or two on my lunch on days I didn't work out.

During covid I've been pretty sedentary. Maybe 2 bike rides a month and not a lot of walking. I have an electric skateboard that I usually ride once a week just to get out of the house, buuuuut hard to consider that much of an excercises 😂.
@button I’m basically the same height and weight (much less muscle XD), so this is helpful in that I realize I don’t need to gain a ton of weight as much as I need to recomp. Great to see that you got this far with mostly calisthenics too