2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

@jonjones229 That time doesn't seem right for Fikowski, at least to the eye test. I didn't see him being 20 seconds off Gui.

It looked like his chip didn't register in the first heat.
@aaron2025 Yeah he was right behind Gui on that first round finishing his last snatch as Gui was running it in. Yet the instant scoring at the top of the screen didn’t have a time for him and it made it seem he was still in the field when Zenoni was finishing up. There was something off in his first timing chip, because he was always within a couple seconds of Gui. And was always even or ahead of Maderois’ times.
@psalm51flower Agreed. On top - they took the times from the back pylon, not the red finish line. Go back and watch the event stream and you'll see it instantly. So the athletes were gunning for the red and pulling up by the time they reached the pylons...big fuck up from Crossfit.
@65787577 I was keeping a mental tally in my head looking at when they crossed the line, Brent beat Justin all 3 intervals except maybe the second, but only by a quarter second
@jonjones229 What the fuck? Gui was not 24 total seconds ahead of Fikowski. Brent’s chip timer malfunctioned in the first interval and they clearly fucked up his time. Someone fix that
@jonjones229 I predict Medeiros will overtake Ricky when the dust settles after the tally is made. He was 19 points down so he needed to beat Ricky by 7 placings to take the leader's jersey.
@sidian1626 If the top 10 they flashed on the screen is accurate for the event, then he'd have to lead by more than 2 points.

They showed Justin as 2nd in the event and Ricky outside the top 10. So at a minimum that would be a 27-point difference which would mean Justin at least 8 points ahead overall.

EDIT: I think Justin will end up 3rd in the event after Fikowski's time is corrected. But that still leaves him with more than a 2-point lead over Ricky, unless time corrections cause further shuffling in the event.