2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Wednesday Teams Discussion Thread


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It's time for the 2022 edition of the NoBull CrossFit Games! The teams will be kicking us off with 4 events today.

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Team Event 1: Biker Bob

Push Bob down the field


3 rounds for time:

1-mile bike, M1F1

252-ft Bob push, M2F2 (unloaded)

30 synchro toes-to-bars, M2F2

Then switch

1-mile bike, M2F2

252-ft Bob push, M1F1 (unloaded)

30 synchro toes-to-bars, M1F1

After the final toes-to-bar, push Bob to finish

Team Event 2: Strong

For load:

1-rep-max jerk, F1

1-rep-max front squat, F2

1-rep-max jerk, M1

1-rep-max front squat, M2

Each member will have 2 attempts for their respective max lift. The team’s score will be the sum of each member’s heaviest successful lift.

Event 3, Fast, will begin immediately after Event 2.

Event 3: Fast

For time:

1,600-m run (as a team)

1,600-m run (2 members)

1,600-m run (2 members)

Time cap: 23 minutes

The first run must be completed by all 4 members, who will run together while holding a 10-ft piece of rope. The second run will be completed by 2 members, while the other 2 rest. The final run will be completed by the 2 members who previously rested.

Event 4​

For time:

15 synchro Worm burpees

15 parallel bar dips (A1)

3/2 pegboard ascents (A4)

15 synchro Worm burpees

15 parallel bar dips (A2)

3/2 pegboard ascents (A3)

15 synchro Worm burpees

15 parallel bar dips (A4)

3/2 pegboard ascents (A1)

15 synchro Worm burpees

15 parallel bar dips (A3)

3/2 pegboard ascents (A2)

15 synchro Worm burpees

*Two members hold the Worm while the others perform dips and pegboard ascents.

Time cap: 10 minutes
@psalm51flower No I’m saying if she can’t even do dips why didn’t they use an alternate? If they thought she was good enough to compete why didn’t they test the most basic movements? It’s obviously hurting her. It doesn’t make sense why they kept her on the team

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