2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE10 - Muscle-Up Logs

@davidjohnn51 I think you're talking about her moving one. All bags had to be over the line under the log, even if you had already thrown it over. So if it bounced off a sand bag and rolled back after you threw it you needed to push it back over that line before doing your last log jump over.

I saw a couple of other woman having to do that as well.
@chiwawa Not to mention that muscle-ups are better for shorter (generally lighter) athletes anyway, so it was only the sandbag portion of the workout that favored taller athletes.
@openmyheart I don't think she has the mental game to win. She has a terrible attitude. Watch her when any little thing goes wrong. She missed a lift in the olympic lifting event and even when she hit it after taking a second and trying again she had this real pouty angry look and was rolling her eyes after. Couple that with her screaming at her judge in years past and the attitude she gives off on social media and in general and I don't think she has it.
@cmadukasi Don't disagree with anything you said but I thought she was mad because she should have gone heavier at least one of the times she lifted and then looked annoyed after. Either way, you can see she gets upset about things.