@dmk741 Double 12s would be the worst decision, even over buying nothing. A 24Kg is a REAL bell, a 1-1/2 pood girya the likes of which you will find well-worn in the office of many who live by their strength.
Rhetorics and romantics aside, it also fits into a wonderful niche for the progressing athlete, because you will be able to use it right away, with difficulty, and the strength gains will pack on fast, and you can continue using it nearly indefinitely.
I strict press a 2 pood, and have lifted kettlebells for 15 years, and the 24Kg is still my favorite bell for conditioning. The exact same one I bought 14 years ago after having lifted my 16 for a year.
It is your money and your decision, but my prediction is that unboxing a set of 12's and hoisting them for the first time, you will taste buyer's remorse roiling up like bile from your core because at that moment, you will know what could have been.