24kg or double 12s

@lfedora I appreciate the feedback. Your experience makes me feel like I can go a little heavier than I was originally thinking.

I definitely don’t want to get a pair of 12s then only use them for a short period of time.
@dmk741 I understand the program you’re using right now is a hardstyle program. Do you plan to stick with hardstyle training in the future or transitioning to a more sport style approach? Those here who are saying double 12’s are useless for a male are more likely into hardstyle, and I would agree at some level of you’re only ever planning on a hardstyle approach. Double 12’s are not at all useless if you’re planning to train for sport.
@dmk741 I recommend the 24. If you have no issue getting a lot of work down with a 20 I don’t think double 12 is doing much for you.

Double 16 sounds like a good plan to me. But as you don’t want to go for double 16 I think you should move up to 24 and later maybe get a second 20. Just be careful when starting doubles, it’s different kind of game.

BTW congrats on your great progress.
@dmk741 I'll add to my original comment. I cannot press due to recent shoulder issues. To maintain strength I use double 16kg to do double cleans for sets. This replaces swings. This is very effective and gets the heart going. I should probably go to 2x20kg. I also immediately add 2x16kg squats after the cleans to create a super set.

All sorts of things you can do. It's more about consistency.
@dmk741 I think ruling out double 16s or double 20s might not be the best approach. DFW is a double bell program after all.

Double 12s sounds like a waste of time unless you struggle to press anything heavier.

Having said that, your post explicitly states that you want to ignore all the advice you’ve read and go for something nobody has recommended, so I dunno, good luck I guess.
@dmk741 Double 12s would be the worst decision, even over buying nothing. A 24Kg is a REAL bell, a 1-1/2 pood girya the likes of which you will find well-worn in the office of many who live by their strength.

Rhetorics and romantics aside, it also fits into a wonderful niche for the progressing athlete, because you will be able to use it right away, with difficulty, and the strength gains will pack on fast, and you can continue using it nearly indefinitely.

I strict press a 2 pood, and have lifted kettlebells for 15 years, and the 24Kg is still my favorite bell for conditioning. The exact same one I bought 14 years ago after having lifted my 16 for a year.

It is your money and your decision, but my prediction is that unboxing a set of 12's and hoisting them for the first time, you will taste buyer's remorse roiling up like bile from your core because at that moment, you will know what could have been.