25(f) - 5'6" - 110 lbs...Workout routine to get strong *and* build endurance (x-post from r/fitness)?


New member
I am a student with full access to a gym. I also do indoor climbing 2x-3x/week.

I have zero endurance when I need to run/hike etc but I can swim laps in the pool... I completely get out of breath running a 13 minute mile and will be the first person to take a break on an uphill hike where others are just marching on :(

I also want to gain some muscle since I am at a low BMI right now.

From /r/Fitness I gather that I need to obviously eat more calories. I was hoping I could get some advice on what a good work-out routine would be. Full body weight training 3x/week + running for endurance?

Thanks in advance :)
@noelp2015 This might not be popular here, but since I've been doing CrossFit I've become much stronger and gained a ton of endurance too. Many of their workouts focus on bodyweight exercise, but are supplemented with weights and traditional cardio.
@tylvaen I think most bodyweight people are supportive of CrossFit as long as technique in gymnastic maneuvers is strict. Where people get frustrated by CrossFit is with people having poor form that can be dangerous or not as physically difficult.
@tylvaen I agree, CrossFit would be great to build a strong base of muscle/endurance. When you feel the time is right I would recommend switching off of CrossFit and work towards a schedule of real bodyweight exercises plus cardio on the side as per the FAQ.
@tylvaen As a student, I can't afford crossfit/adhere to a different schedule. I am going to start off at the school gym, which is pretty sweet and then go from there. Thanks though !
@noelp2015 Since nobody has said this yet, if you want to gain muscle, eat more. Actually track calories and macros. This is really hard for us females to wrap our brains around, but you seriously won't get stronger without fueling your body.
@noelp2015 I'm pretty new to this as well but I'll share what I've picked up so far. The FAQ has a beginner routine that seems to be a great place to start. It recommends:

3x(5-8) Pushups 
3x(5-8) Rows
3x(5-8) Dips
3x(5-8) Pullups
3x(5-8) Legs progression (Squats)

As far as becoming a better runner.. I used the Couch to 5k program and I run 3-4 miles pretty routinely now. Here's a link, the schedule is about halfway down:


Hope some of that helps.
@me112233 Thanks !
I looked at the FAQ routine. My question is that I can't do pull-ups yet, so I do assisted pull ups on the machine, same with dips. Regarding squats, the lightest barbell is too heavy for me, so I do squats with dumbells. Bad idea?
@noelp2015 /r/c25k for endurance and check out the FAQ for the routine/rank beginner routines.

If you want just general endurance then you could also try alternating running/rowing/cycling. To start though the c25K program is great.

Don't use BMI by the way, keep track of %BF along with weight.
@aned Agreed with this. C25k will get your endurance up with interval running and get you to a 5k run in 2 months. FAQ has a great routine and to put on muscle you just need to eat above maintenance which you can find out how to calculate in /r/fitness FAQ.
@noelp2015 Look at Strong Lifts. It's helped me pack on muscle. I'm doing 531 now, but SL was amazing for a beginner. There's an app to track your lifts. Read the book. If you have questions about it, pm me. I'm a 52 yo female who has used it with great success, so it's not just a guy's plan.

As far as endurance, I prefer HIIT, but that's because I hate running. ;)
@noelp2015 With your indoor climbing is that bouldering? As I boulder and the muscle gains have been good, especially if your climbing gym is well equipped with a pull up bar and campus boards.