3 Month Progress - 189.8 to 164.0


New member
Not really sure if progress photos are allowed or not but I wanted to share with anyone that may need some motivation!


At one point, I was a very high level athlete and had never been above 15% body fat. Over the last few years I have been steadily gaining weight due to no longer competing and starting my own business. Time seemed to slip away but I kept gaining weight.

Then COVID hit last march! I was forced to stay at home and put my business on hold. At this point, I started to develop severe depression. I was over eating and drinking alcohol almost every night. I went from weighing 160lbs to 189.8lbs at 5'6"!

My wife and friends eventually pushed me to go speak with someone and I finally went to the doctor in April to seek help.

It was May 1st that I decided that I was going to transform my body as well as my mind. I stopped drinking alcohol, energy drinks, and eating fast food.

I started off by doing 1 min of planks every time I felt the need to eat any junk food. After about a week of just doing planks, I started walking 1 lap around my neighborhood.

Eventually that turned into doing pushups, squats and pullups with my planks. Before I knew it, I was doing anywhere from 400-800 pushups/squats and 50 pullups per day! Yesterday I ran 2 miles for the first time in over 5 years without stopping!

After 3 months of doing nothing but small at home workouts; I have lost 26lbs. Here is my progressive photo.

If you are struggling with depression please go speak with a doctor! It has helped me get my life back on track and living healthy again. Sorry for the long post!



I was depressed and gained 30 lbs over the last year. My family pushed me to see the doctor for help. After seeing the doctor, I decided to get back in shape. I lost 26lbs from cutting out alcohol, junk food and doing pushups, squats, pullups and planks.

Progress Photo:
@acs04401 Good shit. I had similar progress last year then gained it all back. Consider this comment to be yourself from the future slapping you in the face and saying “DONT STOP. KEEP GOING FOREVER.”
@goobiebean Thank you! I will definitely keep this in mind! I'm trying to get my wife to change her diet and workout with me.

So hopefully we can hold each other accountable!
@acs04401 Hi your transformation is incredible! Slow and steady for the win. On the topic of convincing your wife… I’m speaking from a little experience here.. I am a married woman. Before meeting my husband I was 70 pounds heavier. My parents tried to convince me for years to lose weight in whatever way they could. It really hurt me. So to “get back at them” I dug my heels in and refused. I met my husband and we dated and then got married after 2 ish plus years. He was in good shape then and I was obese. Fast forward two more years and I decided I was done with how bad I was feeling and began my weight loss journey. It took me three years, but I lost 70 pounds, have visible abs, eat healthy, lift, workout 5-6 days a week, all that good stuff. Meanwhile my husband’s weight has creeped up over time. I don’t know his weight and it doesn’t matter. Losing weight and changing your lifestyle is a personal choice and because my husband helped me feel secure and unpressured to get fit like he was, I was able to choose for myself. Well just this month my husband decided he was fed up with his health and wanted a change. Our marriage is great because we aren’t telling each other that they aren’t enough even though nobody ever used those words specifically on me, I always felt that way from my family. People have to make their own choices. Encouraging someone to choose to eat healthy is fine, but just ask like, “hey I’m making a salad, you want one?” Don’t be the person that says, “I can’t eat healthy because you always have crisps and junk food in the house! You should eat a salad, it’s healthy for you! You’ll feel better if you do what I’m doing!”. No they won’t. Invite, don’t assume, and you don’t have to do the same things. We ate very differently. We lived very differently. But we supported each other’s choices without shaming, bullying, and manipulation even if we didn’t personally like that choice. Fitness and weighloss is a very personal choice. Good luck.
I was depressed and gained 30 lbs over the last year. My family pushed me to see the doctor for help. After seeing the doctor, I decided to get back in shape.

Dude, fucking good on you for seeing a doctor. So many people flat out refuse to seek help for mental health. Results are looking great so far!
@southernrunner I can't say this enough! This is a big reason why I made this post.

I was one of those people.... I hated doctors. I was stubborn for an entire year but eventually I broke.

For anyone who is struggling with depression, please go see a doctor. It doesn't make you weak or any less of a man. You are human and sometimes we just need a little help.

A ton of people struggle with depression but are too embarrassed to talk about it. Especially men.

Mental health for men tends to be overlooked and we are taught as kids to not share their emotions. Anyone that judges you for seeing a doctor when you are struggling is NOT your friend.

Anyways, go see a doctor folks. It was a life changer for me 😊
@blessedinff Currently, I can only do or so pull ups in a row. Sorry if I was unclear in the post! It is split up through out the day.

When I first got started I wanted to take it slow. So, I decided that I would do a minute of planks when I would get a food/energy drink/alcohol craving. I did this because I just wanted to get my diet right first and do a little bit of exercise to supplement.

Eventually, I just started to build off of that same kind thought process but with different things like when I would play video games (Specifically 'League of Legends') or watch Netflix.

For example, I would do minute of planks for each game I played. Then I added 10 pushups for each death. Then added 10 squats. Then 2 pull ups.

So if I died 5 times.

50 push ups
50 squats
10 pull ups
1 min plank

Each game lasts around 30 minutes. So I would have good rest between each one set. Initially, I would have to break this up into multiple sets.

Once I got in good enough shape I started doing dedicated workouts and started to walk every day.

My dedicated workouts were built more like a crossfit routine. I did these in combination with my video game workouts, Netflix workouts and craving workouts.

So through out the day I would average around 600ish pushups and squats. 50 pull ups and 10-15 minutes of planks

Hope that makes sense!