3 Month Progress - 189.8 to 164.0

@rapaputy So, I am by no means a nutritionist and it's probably best to talk to a doctor but being that I was a wrestler and mixed martial artist I know a little about cutting weight.

In the first couple of weeks I started with a pretty extreme calorie deficit and did an 18 hour fasting. This is really hard for most people and not recommended. Again, I was use to this because I was a wrestler for around 10 years.

After the initial extreme calorie deficit, I just went to a high protein/fat diet.

Example: Eggs and Avocado for breakfast.

Diets are tricky because not everyone responds the same way. One thing that is pretty much universal is to not eat junk food and only drink water.
@acs04401 Congratulations man! Very inspiring. I need to wake up and do the same. It’s been a very mentally exhausting journey. I own a business as well. Thanks for the inspiration.
@loadedcafe You're welcome!

Honestly, the fact that I knew where I was before I gained all the weight made it that much more daunting. This is why I just decided to start small and not to over do it initially.

Baby steps! You can do it!
@acs04401 Awesome! So I take it this is not so much a journey of getting stronger and better technique, but more of getting back in shape.

I was a rower before and for me it’s all about learning new moves and getting more mobile.
@sister_diane Well, for me it is a different kind of journey.

I have been to the destination before but I am taking a different road to get there!

I had been training since I was 3 years old. I have a never had to experience being out of shape because I was always in shape. Until the last five years I pretty much had an 8 pack my whole life.

So the last 5 years were very challenging to see myself not only retire from sports (which is really difficult for a lot of people ) but watch my body become unrecognizable.

Mentally I still felt like an athlete but physically I was watching myself turn into someone I didn't know...

So, while I had been in shape before this is certainly a different kind of journey for me. This journey means something different.

I had to realize that I am not the athlete I once was... I am a dad, a husband and a son. I don't need to be the superstar. I just need to be here for my kids. Play baseball with them in the backyard, wrestle with them in the living room and be around on this earth long enough to see them have children.

So, is it the same kind of journey? No..
But it is one nontheless 😊
@acs04401 That’s a great way to put it.

It doesn’t really matter how strong and how ripped you are, it just matters that you feel good and fit and that you are healthy. Quitting competitive sports is a weird feeling indeed. I was training 10 or 11 times a week just before I quit rowing and it felt so weird when I quit. Luckily I immediately took up callisthenics and lifting, so I kept myself strong and healthy.

In the end, you don’t have to be doing high level sports for the rest of your life. You just have to like the way you look and feel and live a long and healthy life.

So good luck with the rest of your journey to feeling great!