31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage


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Here’s my dexa scan results!

I knew I was depressed and overeating, but OBESE?? Never thought I’d use that word for myself as someone who’s always been “thin” and it’s really messing with my head. Healthy BMI, never weighed more than 133lbs, have always and still fit in my size 4 jeans, 27in waist ..… and yet. OBESE. By almost every metric I can find online.

This has been a HUGE wake up call for me that my lifestyle cannot continue as it was, and that looks and the scale can be, literally and dangerously, deceiving.
@cedric48 Right? BMI doesn't even account for muscle like dexa is supposed to. There's no way you can be obese by dexa but not by BMI unless the dexa calibration is scuffed.
@abastzar I’m not saying that this person is obese (probably dodgy DEXA) but there are lots of people who have high levels of fat at normal BM due to low muscle mass or low bone density - this is very common in older people. And much more common than people having high BMI with normal body fat due to being super muscley (obvs that also happens but fewer people have that much muscle)
@vicolehurroughs I get that. Like skinny fat is a thing. But like, that high a percentage seems so scuffed to me.

Good point about older folks being more typical for that kind of scan, considering muscle loss due to aging.
@cedric48 Based on any BMI metric I have seen (and I am a nurse, so I see evidence based medical guidelines every day) 131 lbs at 5’3 is a BMI of around 25, which is by no means considered obese. This is simply incorrect. At that weight you could still have a high body fat percentage sure, but it is absolutely not clinically obese.
@joymatt Yeah seeing this made me sad...like even if that's a higher bfp, it's not really that bad, and in any case, losing weight wouldn't be the solution imo...it would be more of a body recomp strategy. Eat more protein and lift more weights. Readily accepting being "obese" at that weight makes me sad for op...
@kabriana So I'm a registered radiologic technologist. I went to a "health lab" where they offer these dexa scans, along with other various tests. The man I spoke with who performed my scan was nice, but he had zero idea what he was actually doing. My results showed I was 39% body fat. Nope, no way, no chance. I'm 5'2", 125lb and in pretty good shape. What I'm trying to say is, take these DEXA scans with a grain of salt. I'm 100% sure this equipment was not calibrated quarterly (or, ever) and the operator did not have a set scan protocol. DEXA can be very accurate, but not at this type of facility.
@lwh Thank you for this comment. I saw my dexa scan result say I was 40% bf and I weigh in the low 120s (fluctuates depending on cycle) and I weightlift too. I was so depressed after and stopped working out for 3 weeks 🥲
@kabriana I can see how that would be shocking, but the good thing is you can now take steps it bring it in line.

It's always upsetting to hear/see that Obese term applied to oneself. I'm the same height, currently 145 lb and 27% fat. I fought my way back down from 43% fat. You can do this.

It's probably more body recomposition for you than weight itself. You can do it!

I'm curious as to what made you go for a DEXA scan? Did you ever you an impedance scale that measured body fat percentage before this?
@zoomerzoomer mine is pretty spot on and matches the super professional one in my doctor's office and is the same measurement minute to minute. I did spend some serious money though. Even if it's 5-8% off, that is still a decent measure. I realize not all scales are good, though.

DEXA is great, but I can't afford to have one done every month vs being able to check mine as much as I want and watch the overall trend.

I was curious as yo why the OP went for a DEXA considering she thought she was good otherwise.
@mlnkira1 Tanita- one of the more expensive ones that measures the different areas of fat and also visceral vs subcutaneous, lean muscle, etc. it's a couple years old now, the app is lazy, but I transfer the numbers into a different app anyway. There's probably a new version. They tend to be good and FDA approved.
@mlnkira1 I can't say all Tanita scales are created equal. I can only vouch for mine and it'sa fancy-schmancy one. I spent a lot of money on it, but it's worth it to me.

I did have a much older one before that and the weight is correct, but the fat % is several percent off - consistently though, so it's good for watching the trend.
@xxtroubledchristianxx Honestly just curiosity and I’m starting back up on working out regularly after close to a year of not exercising. I got in fantastic shape in 2020-2021, so I know I CAN do it, and I wanted to see what my baseline would be starting out this year. I’m also 31 and wanted to check in on bone density so I’m doing well there. But looks like I’m starting off with less muscle and more fat than I anticipated! But you’re 100% right, at least I know what I need to do and how to get it done 💪