What have you done to significantly improve your conditioning

@justine108 I followed the first year of the YOE religiously and went from back/middle of the pack in conditioning workouts to the top. I liked it so much that I quit CrossFit and now I am running ultramarathons lol.
@hallo This … all cardio helps. I quit CrossFit for 6 months to train for a half iron man … came back to crossfit once done and I could do any workout without any cardio issues at all … but I lost all my muscle so it’s a give and take
@hallo Agreed … cardio is the hardest to build. I found that swimming was the best but they don’t transfer well between swimming to biking to running so you still need to do at least 2 different types to really have a good overall cardio base

I think the best thing for crossfit is going to be running. My wife kills me at the cardio now and she runs 3-5 mile x 2 days a week
@janitrol Height and weight may have played a factor too. I’ve been running fairly regularly for years but I’m 6’1 220lb so that workout was never going to be a breeze. I’m one of the strongest in my box at rowing, echo bike, 5k time, etc. jumping, burpees, and body weight exercises will always favor short lean people.

Obviously improving your conditioning will help but losing weight probably more so if you’re 200+
@janitrol I did 121 reps on 23.2A, placing me 6th out of 19 in my box amongst men. Very happy with it. In 23.2B I placed last but I was aware I'm not very strong. You win some, you lose some...
Besides crossfit I do cycling and I think thats what got me a score on 23.2A
@janitrol Just keep doing what you are doing its just a time matter until you realize you are getting better. Other than that you need to be more strategic with workouts you are willing to excel at.

For example, today I did 23.2 my plan was to have couple time stamps where I should be at 23.2A. I knew the 30 burpee pull ups will be the most of the everyday average crossfitters so I made sure I have atleast 2 mins left to go all out and get as many reps as possible at 30 burpees (5-6s burpee I did 21 out of 30) I knew that I will not be able to finish the 30 burpees and get to the shuttle run so I emptied the tank on 30 burpees.
@dmjstel Finish 15 burpee + 10 shuttle run in 4 mins

20 burpee + 10 shuttle run 8 mins

25 burpee + 10 shuttle run 13 mins

But my best tip for you is to pace this wod dont go out too hot. I used the shuttle runs to calm down my heart rate.

If you are looking for a decent score 125-150 reps aim for (5-6 seconds on the burpee)
@janitrol The secret to getting better conditioning is to not do crossfit. Do an interval training program, or find endurance related activities or sports to pursue. Running, biking, skiing. Whatever gets your heart rate up for a prolonged period of time.