What have you done to significantly improve your conditioning

@janitrol It looks like what most commenters here describe is:

Low Heart Rate Training MAF180 by Dr. Phil Maffetone.

First result on google and many discussions on youtube, e.g. search for "Floris Gierman".

The formula calculates as the following: 180 minus your age is your heart rate for endurance training (Zone 2). The long term goal is to run (row/bike/ski) the same distance faster without changing your heart rate.

In my case 135 HR while running. If it goes above I have to slow down. Currently I'm at 5:40min/km and slower ... of course I can run 4:50min/km for 5km .... but then I'm jacked.

If I remember correctly Mat Fraser did that too: spend most of the time on the bike erg ... but I can't remember the source where I got that from :-(
@janitrol I stopped doing crossfit 1 year ago and only do olympic weigthlifting now and my open performance this year is exactly the same as when i did crossfit.

What im trying to say is if you want to be better att crossfit dont do crossfit.
@janitrol If you don’t like straight conditioning do intervals. You can keep your HR in any zone and for me it’s a lot less monotonous.

Eventually I got into long slow cardio by walking 30 then running for HR for 30 but I spent a few years doing intervals before that.

The intervals can vary quite widely but mine were normally within 3 min down to 30 Seconds. I would walk or jog based off of how fast I had run the interval.

I like the peloton intervals because my wife has a sub so I found a coach I liked (not a fan of most of them).

Best of luck.
@janitrol I feel like this workout is one of those where the more CrossFit you do in general the better a score you’ll get. Zero technique. You just have to get fitter. Everyone around me seemed to have the same impression “could have done better if I was fitter” I think it’s just a test of stamina. I feel the same - I wish my fitness levels were higher but I will just have to keep working on it. It’s v humbling!